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Thredbo Avalanche - Skier Lucky to be Alive


Full story here.

Trapped in the pitch dark beneath a mountain of snow, Sydney skier Mike Grace screamed out to his childhood friend but went unheard.

The only thing he could remember from watching documentaries about avalanches was that he needed to breathe slowly or he would run out of air.

The 36-year-old from Narrabeen triggered an avalanche and was trapped beneath nearly three metres of snow for about an hour when he veered off course while skiing at Thredbo on Sunday.

He found himself unable to see or move, with only a small pocket of space in front of his mouth allowing him to breath.

It was the exact same place where rescuers had found a young male skier dead days after he went missing in 1998, according to ski patrol manager David Kuhn.

‘‘I couldn’t even move a finger, I was locked into position. I freaked out right then. I started hyperventilating, yelling out. It was terrifying,’’ Mr Grace said.



FFFAAARRRRKKKK!!!!! That dude is soo lucky to be alive!!! big surprise

Really makes you think, this is Australia, no one expects that shit to happen, but as we can see, the dangers ARE there, avalanches don’t just happen in the northern hemi!



Anyone know where that area is?

Last night the south care Chopper landed behind mum and dads at the footy field. There was 3 (!!!) Ambulances - did not sound good downer


I’m not sure where it is. But this story doesn’t surprise me at all. There’s some steep terrain at Thredbo and with more than a metre of fresh snow falling on a next-to-nothing base, what did they think was going to happen? Luckily, this story had a happy ending. It sounds like if he was in any other sort of position, he would have lost his life. Be safe out there, guys!


i heard this on the radio while it was happening, it was pretty crazy stuff to hear that he didn’t die. so lucky


On the darkside someone has suggested the location is here



Lucky boy!!!!!

Was it over Stanley’s?????


Nup, sounds like it was in the resort, just ducked a rope to get there.

rider26 - 04 July 2014 11:22 AM

Nup, sounds like it was in the resort, just ducked a rope to get there.

Ohhh, I thought it mighta been a boundary rope!!!!!


In resort but out of bounds.

Check the link i shared above for google maps.

ozgirl - 04 July 2014 11:45 AM

In resort but out of bounds.

Check the link i shared above for google maps.

All I get from the link is satellite coordinate numbers?

DylanV - 03 July 2014 03:29 AM

FFFAAARRRRKKKK!!!!! That dude is soo lucky to be alive!!! big surprise

Really makes you think, this is Australia, no one expects that shit to happen, but as we can see, the dangers ARE there, avalanches don’t just happen in the northern hemi!

Something to be said for ignoring warning signs and ducking ropes, no matter what side of the world you’re on, grass ain’t always greener. Very glad these boys had a happy ending!!!!!


I interpret the area to be below ‘Instructors Paradise’ (between Gunbarrel and Highnoon) methinks it could alternatively be below Central Spur T-bars (skier right of Highnoon). Both roped off areas within the resort. I’ve ridden below Antons T and there is some very dodgy terrain, cornices into bowls over creeks.

In resort avalanches often occur in Thredbo - I’ve set ones off easily big enough to kill in ope areas! Patrol regularly set them off to make the resort safe.

So much more within the resort is accessible with the snow staying in good condition right now, it’s tempting to search out untracked areas but a bad idea.
Roped off areas are for a reason. Many areas that are normally roped currently aren’t because the amount of snow has made them ridable.

I was wanting to hit up Merrits Falls on tuesday but when I saw the ropes still there knew it wasn’t safe. If it’s safe the ropes are taken down.


it was skiers left of high noon

spaz - 05 July 2014 09:06 AM

I interpret the area to be below ‘Instructors Paradise’ (between Gunbarrel and Highnoon) methinks it could alternatively be below Central Spur T-bars (skier right of Highnoon). Both roped off areas within the resort. I’ve ridden below Antons T and there is some very dodgy terrain, cornices into bowls over creeks.

In resort avalanches often occur in Thredbo - I’ve set ones off easily big enough to kill in ope areas! Patrol regularly set them off to make the resort safe.

So much more within the resort is accessible with the snow staying in good condition right now, it’s tempting to search out untracked areas but a bad idea.
Roped off areas are for a reason. Many areas that are normally roped currently aren’t because the amount of snow has made them ridable.

I was wanting to hit up Merrits Falls on tuesday but when I saw the ropes still there knew it wasn’t safe. If it’s safe the ropes are taken down.

Can’t agree more Spaz!!  as much as I’m glad he survived.. (loss of a life is never good) he did do something very silly and dangerous… 

Those ropes are there for a reason… Even if some people think they know better than ski patrol… They usually dont… 

Mr.h0z and I were sooo keen for tree runs at blue cow over the weekend.. But it was closed… So you know what we did?? We didn’t ride them!!  Its not worth getting injured or worse for a few runs..    and with the amount of snow that had fallen it was just increasing the chances of danger..


(as a side note when Mr.h0z first told me a guy named mike from the northern beaches in his 30s was in an avvy at thredders… In the back of my mind I started to wonder (and really hope it wasn’t) nbg!!  but then hearing more of the story confirmed it wasn’t.. (from narra, skier etc). That and from memory he has a perisher pass!).  Pheewww!!