The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Rules for the Boardworld Forums - need your input!


If you have to censor you have to do it.  The problem is that the ones you will need to censor are the ones that are not truly part of the community.  If they are here posting things and bullying people they generally dont belong and will soon be gone.  Everyone has a different position on what is expectable.  Do what is right in your mind for the community and Boardworld will carry on living out the legacy that it is creating!


First chance ive had to read through all the above and give my input! Been busy as first week back at work!

So annoying! I Just typed up my piece and accidently hit back a page, wiping it all out!

Basically I agree with everything that has been said so far. It is all pretty much common sense and we are generally all pretty good at knowing what is appropriate and what is ‘crossing the line’, hence there has been no issues so far. I doubt very much that there will be any issues to come, but the ‘rules’ are good to have there so if someone comes along and disturbs the peace, or someone just makes a error of judgment then we have something to refer back to. I believe that everyone on here is pretty level headed and all here to have fun. I am supper happy with how this forum runs and with how the community interacts which is why I keep coming back and hanging around.
As a Mod the last thing we want to do is over moderate the forums or make members feel that that is the case. In my opinion Mods are here to go to if something comes up and assist with the running of the forums. Like said above by the others, we would not delete or change something without discussing it with the member involved first and also discussing it between the other Mods. Like Rider26 has said the rules he has posted aren’t set in stone, and may need rewording, but I think it is good that they are out there, not to change or police how things are going now, but to go back to if we need to.

I love it on here and really like how our community is getting bigger and bigger. Its great how we all have input to any changes and developments to the site. There is so much fun, friendliness, easygoingness (that a word? LOL ) comradery and freedom to be yourself, and that wont be changing.

Keep up the fun times everyone!!
And again high fives to Rider26 for all your work!


Cant complain about anything rider pretty sure you have nail everything dude I love this site and everything about it…if anything band mizu lol only joking he’s alright!!!!


And sorry I forgot to say HI FIVE to rider cheers mate…


I think everything you have come up with is reasonable and most people seem to be playing by those rules anyway. However, in trying to attract sponsors etc, we can’t just assume that people know unwritten rules. So I guess a sticky thread would have to be created.

I think everyone here has a lot of respect for each other, I haven’t seen anything go off the chain so that is good :-D