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159, 163, 255, 268 , it’s all Greek to me :)  can you help

Ok so I new here.  Hello everyone..

My specs..

188 (6’2”) cm tall, male, 94 KG (on a bad day smile ), size 12 burton imperial 2013 boots.

I’m a newbie, I’m 39’ and the wife wants to go skiing, my knees don’t handle snow plowing, so boarding for me, and I’ve been two or three times.  I’m pretty crap, but keen to learn so I can get up the slopes with the wife..

I’m looking at used gear, I bought good comfortable boots, and want a used board, not much choice here in Christchurch new Zealand .  I have my eyes on

2008 k2 anagram 263 w
2011 k2 anagram 159 w
2006 ride control 162

So the first board is local and can get it at a decent price, but I’m so confused about sizing.  I’m not going to be in the park, at best I’m enjoying a nice ride down the slopes, nothing crazy, nothing hardcore..

The anagrams seem to be good for a learner/ intermediate…

So can anyone help is the 263 w too big, the 159 w is a lot more and needs to be shipped..  But the 263w has a wait width of 268 vs 261 and the ride control is 255 ( seems narrow ).

Stance I’m still 15/0 and assume will be that way for a season or so. 

Help please, what do you guys think.  Really keen to hear your thoughts on the board




This is the 2011 board

[EDIT: Link removed]

And the 263 w
[EDIT: Link removed]

Also any advice on what to look for in a used board?


If you go on the Burton site they have a ‘board finder’ function that asks you simple questions and explains stuff. That will help you get your head around things. The only problem is it assumes northern hemisphere conditions and will suggest a board that is too long. Longer boards will be better for deep powder and stability at very high speed but will sux for everything else.

I recommend a board length of 158-9.

The 2XX figure is most likely the width in mm. When it comes to width you are trying to avoid toe and heal drag. This is when your toes/heels hang over the board so much that they catch the snow when you turn. People are too cautions IMO. You actually have to have a lot of overhang for it to be a problem, and even then you will have to be getting some serious angles (read - carving). Most drag problems I see are from people who haven’t centered their binding correctly. Good news - those boots are very good and have a low profile footprint - I would be confident that you will get away a regular width board. (most brands designate their fat boards with a ‘W’) Wider boards are less agile than regular width boards and should be avoided if possible)

There is an awesome board shop in town there (forget name - has another store in QT) which has bulk choice. There is also ww w torpedo 7. c om.

Edit: Oh, I see you are looking at s/h. There still should be plenty of options. I’d say you’re not looking in the right place - maybe a kiwi can chime in. Because snow sports are somewhat elitist, and people upgrade their gear each year just ‘cause, s/h stuff is really cheap. You shouldn’t have to pay more than $200 for a good quality deck that is 1-3 years old. Don’t worry too much about light scratches, but pay close attention to the metal edge as if it is broken or cracked the board is cactus.


Cheers, I’m happy with the boots, now just getting the right board, so a 163 wide is overkill?.  That’s pitty, board was 200 incl bindings, des 4 cm make that much difference?.


TBH, not really for a big guy like you. You will be learning the hard way, but you can just ‘muscle’ your way around that extra 4 cm. That is a good price.

Bet you he will take $150….


Yeah it does seem a decent price, the previous owner had size 11 I’m 12 , it’s got k2 sonic bindings..  I was more scared about the 268 waist width, but if I’m 15/0 stance maybe not an issue


Scared to fat or too narrow? Certainly won’t be too narrow. The 0 deg setting = most overhang. But, you should be ok even at 0 on the rear foot.

Why do you say ‘still’ at 15/0? You can have your stance at whatever feels the best. I haven’t heard of anyone having to progress to a certain stance.


More scared of too fat smile


Well the 163W is no longer an option, board was sold, so down to a K2 Anagram 159W or a Ride Control 162.. seems to me that based on alot of reading a 160W would be the sweet spot for me.. but really i dont know jack smile


Welcome to Boardworld, Mrhaboobi. shaka

Where do you live, may I ask?

I would suggest the 159W out of those two.

Also, I removed the links to the overseas online stores as per our advertising policy. Sorry about that.


Also, what’s your budget? I might be able to find something on sale that’s more appropriate and brand new within your budget (no guarantees haha). raspberry

rider26 - 27 June 2014 11:00 AM

Also, what’s your budget? I might be able to find something on sale that’s more appropriate and brand new within your budget (no guarantees haha). raspberry


Sorry i didnt know about the links, it was more listed for the specs smile..  i remember to not post those links

Anyways im in Christchurch, New Zealand.. I just looked at a local store, and it seems that they suggested a 160W or there abouts.. and a large binding as the boots i bought are reduced volume.  Ive been reluctant to buy a new board just because of the cost, boots yes i was happy to buy good ones, board id hate to think id kill it smile..  But if you have something then im all ears ...  Keep in mind i was looking used for that 200 mark with bindings, so im not holding my breath that you have something..

This forum has been great, ive been reading and watching the how to snowboard links and videos, and learning alot, given a friend just landed in hospital this weekend with a head accident ( small bleed to brain from a tumble) i think a helmut is also definitely going to be on the cards, and old man like me cant afford to big an injury. lol..  any thoughts on what to look for?.



No worries at all. We don’t really promote the advertising policy and I know it was more for the specs. All good, mate!

Yep, you will need large bindings for sure. I think something around the 160W mark is spot on. The 159W you were looking at seems to be a lot wider than you need. It has a 265mm waist and you have size 12 boots with reduced volume, which should put you down to a size 11 footprint depending on the boots. What boots do you have exactly? Need brand and model.

I think you need to be looking at second hand at that price. You’re not going to find a new setup for anything close to $200.

For helmets, check out our Sandbox range:
They are really good value and super stylish. Use the discount code “megastorm” for a 10% discount (expires on Sunday evening).


Hey, thanks so much for the helmet link, I’ll check that out, the boots are 2013 burton imperials size us 12.

Now here is my confusion, that 159w board is very wide at 265, yet some board see labelled as wide are 258 or 261 wide.  So when you say I need wide, do you mean mid wide ( new term I’ve learnt ), and what would that equate to I terms of cm?  258 - 261.  Or if have reduced volume boots then do I need something smaller, this is the part that’s so very confusing, and I’m getting many stories from stores, one store says 156 it even a wider, another was all the way up to a162 w..  I know is different fr each person, but if you said 160 w then you mean a waist width of 255, 258, 260, 263?.  If you can help with this then my brain can st hurting.

I was looking at a 162 ride control which is a 255 wide board, but I’m thinking I need a 258 or wider.. 

My head hurts smile..


Hey, thanks so much for the helmet link, I’ll check that out, the boots are 2013 burton imperials size us 12.

Now here is my confusion, that 159w board is very wide at 265, yet some board see labelled as wide are 258 or 261 wide.  So when you say I need wide, do you mean mid wide ( new term I’ve learnt ), and what would that equate to I terms of cm?  258 - 261.  Or if have reduced volume boots then do I need something smaller, this is the part that’s so very confusing, and I’m getting many stories from stores, one store says 156 it even a wider, another was all the way up to a162 w..  I know is different fr each person, but if you said 160 w then you mean a waist width of 255, 258, 260, 263?.  If you can help with this then my brain can st hurting.

I was looking at a 162 ride control which is a 255 wide board, but I’m thinking I need a 258 or wider.. 

My head hurts smile..


So those boots have Burton’s “Shrinkage Tech” — meaning your size 12 boots have a footprint of approximately a size 11 boot. This is good.

Depending on your stance… I would say the 255mm waist width would be absolutely fine!

Why does stance come into it? Well, the further apart your feet are, the wider the board’s waist width is. Also, the more angle you have on your bindings, the less overhang you will have. Either way, with somewhat of a “normal” stance I think you would be fine with the 255mm waist.

Don’t worry about “mid wide” or “wide” etc. Pay closer attention to the numbers. And I think you’re looking in the right vicinity, i.e., 255 - 258mm. Don’t go wider than that.

I hope that helps ease the headache a bit. Let me know if you have any further question. thumbsup