The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


I would shit myself thread


if i was fixing this roof, i would shit myself 100% big surprise


If I ever got to interview Tony Hawk….......


That’s so hectic…  shock


that guy that hits a running wildcat in the head with a huge pole is quite the ninja.


If I had to do another push up competitipn


Do we know what happened to the little kitty?

Aidy - 29 May 2014 09:10 AM

Do we know what happened to the little kitty?

I doubt they would have shot it, unless as a last resort.  No doubt it is a money-earner for them so it would be in their interests to keep it alive and well.



^ This.

I almost had a bull shark encounter in the Bahamas and just the thought of it freaks me out. I know they’re out there but when you know you were swimming with one in close proximity (by accident), it’s not such a good feeling.


that vid is fake! ^^


When/where was it exposed as a fake? I’m actually quite relieved.


sorry I should have made it clear - its my opinion that its a fake! a very clever and well made fake.

There is a user on here who is a video editor - Spaz I think?? could be wrong - I’d like his opinion but it just seems dodgy when it cuts from the above water shots to the below water shots. Also I can’t imagine him being able to film it so steadily whilst swimming.
Also he and his friends seem too calm about it all, plus just a big white being in that location seems a bit of a stretch.
And if it were real, surely they would have alerted authorities and there been some media report on a close encounter with a shark in the harbour, before some random video pops up on youtube with a seemingly fake name and no story or description attached to it.


Valid points. I went pretty viral yesterday on a lot of websites, not that that’s saying anything. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was fake.


I actually hope I am wrong - cause that guy has some serious balls! when I watched it yesterday it had 7,000 views. Its got over 3million today!


This article doesn’t really confirm either way, but it does lean towards it being a fake. Especially since there was another video with the same footage posted earlier.

I have to say, my immediate thoughts were that it was fake. But I always go by the rule that 99% of stuff posted on FB is fake, no matter how real it looks. It really makes me laugh, some of the rubbish that people share thinking it’s real. Especially all those photos with cute/heart warming back stories.