The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What’s your latest purchase?


Thanks Tills!


From Bikini’s too SKINs…

Just ordered a new pair of SKINs…

I just got the A200 snow series. Figured I didn’t need the S400.


A superman onesie!!!

ozgirl - 26 May 2014 07:29 PM

I just got the A200 snow series. Figured I didn’t need the S400.

Do they have shorter legs to account for ski/snowboard boots?  I notice the regular 2XU etc have really tight cuffs at the ankle that would stop you rolling it up to keep it out of your boot.


Yeah they do have 3/4 legs on both the A200 and A400’s

I got the full legs though as I still get calf burn when sledding. Also if I have worked hard (ie sledding a heavy person) I tend to wear them as recovery under trackies or jeans for the drive home to Syd.

Have never been bothered by seams etc.

I did contemplate the 3/4 legs but since my last two pairs were full, I went with them.


Fastest delivery ever.

Frothing so hard, I think I got a stiffy!

Yes. Basic 155.  Looks amazing.

A big thanks to Boardworld, even bigger thanks to Jez.


looks awesome matty!


Cheers man

I am frothing so hard off this. Haha
First brand spanker since 2007!!

Few things have changed since then!
Cant wait to get it fully setup and sliding!


Bought this missus this;

And also got these at the same time;

And no, they are not for her. They are mine haha. Danny Kass Nike Zoom boots.


the art on that board is killer!!!!!!! and i actually dont mind the boots either.


Yeh man i love the board. Its actually similar to a tattoo i was getting designed up a while ago but never went ahead with.

And yeh, im a big fan of the boots. But my fashion style is very left field so im sure 99.8% of people think they are shit!

deanobruce - 02 June 2014 08:44 PM

Yeh man i love the board. Its actually similar to a tattoo i was getting designed up a while ago but never went ahead with.

And yeh, im a big fan of the boots. But my fashion style is very left field so im sure 99.8% of people think they are shit!

people think they are shit

get the f4ck out of here brahhhh, they are sweet as i got same just in black if i saw those in stock 100% would of been myn…

There are so conformable man i have changed 3 pairs of boots and those are the only ones that actually gave me no issues and felt like i was wearing a running shoes.

deanobruce - 02 June 2014 08:00 PM

Bought this missus this;

And also got these at the same time;

And no, they are not for her. They are mine haha. Danny Kass Nike Zoom boots.

Fuck, if I was working fulltime atm, I’d purchase that board just to hang on my wall drool


Thanks, BW Store!  They came super-quick and in perfect nick.

Obviously haven’t had a chance to ride these yet, but they look very well made.


Stoked you’re stoked on your purchases, Matty and Mudhoney!

Thanks for the support! shaka