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film editing

just wondering what any pc users use to edit videos taken on a gopro. Nothing to high tech, just looking to make some little quick edits.


for simple edits windows movie maker would probably do the job. if you were looking for something better I would recommend adobe premier, not that expensive if you look at adobe’s creative cloud - especially if you are a student. the cloud gives you access to all of adobe’s suite, top top option if you are into design and would use photoshop, illustrator, premier or after effects wink


Final Cut Express is an awesome program but not as heavy as Final Cut Pro. That’s what I’ve used the past few years and it works great. Also doesn’t cost nearly as much as Pro, but it will do everything you want and more. I think I paid about $200 for it.

EDIT: Just read you’re on PC so that’s not going to help you. flushed


I used to study film and television and we used a large range of editing software.

I have found one clear standout, its called Vegas by Sonic Foundry/Sony. Easy to use and very quick. Easy to cut and add effects,transitions, as well as an in program audio editor. Plus no rendering mid edit, just at the end once your done.

Pretty sure you can get a free trial online, and (you didn’t hear this from me) there MAY be some cracks/torrents online to open up the full version WINK WINK


here is the trial version - it seems they have a version 13 now!

There will be a lot of functions/features you might not use, but its still very easy to do a basic edit

rider26 - 22 May 2014 02:33 PM

Final Cut Express is an awesome program but not as heavy as Final Cut Pro. That’s what I’ve used the past few years and it works great. Also doesn’t cost nearly as much as Pro, but it will do everything you want and more. I think I paid about $200 for it.

You could almost buy Pro for that much!  Especially if you combine with some discounted iTunes cards.


Final Cut Express replaced FCP a few years ago as Apple’s pro edit program.

FCP7 was the final build, it was packaged with Final Cut Studio. There will never be a FCP8. Over the 7 builds it reached all it could be and more!
The first build of FCP has little different to 7 - it was so good then they had to add other programs to try and sell the upgrades and Final Cut Studio evolved.

I prefer FCP over FCX but I’ve used it since the first release - it’s way expensive though.
iMovie is all thats needed for consumers, Express takes it a bit further.

For PC Vegas is the bomb for consumers - Premier is equivalent to FCP (they are practically identical -  FCStudio was meant to be that for Creative Suite).


i use FCP but i think i might make the jump across to premiere tho, i haven’t really been filming as much lately tho :(

Accidently added to this post after clicking “edit” instead of “quote”. Now amended.

Mudhoney - 22 May 2014 07:34 PM
rider26 - 22 May 2014 02:33 PM

Final Cut Express is an awesome program but not as heavy as Final Cut Pro. That’s what I’ve used the past few years and it works great. Also doesn’t cost nearly as much as Pro, but it will do everything you want and more. I think I paid about $200 for it.

You could almost buy Pro for that much!  Especially if you combine with some discounted iTunes cards.

I bought Final Cut Express about five years ago I think (it could have even been under $200 packaged with my laptop). I can’t remember what Pro was at the time but I know it was considerably more expensive.


wait are you telling me these programs cost money??? smirk LOL

I use final cut pro*, best program since sliced bread! thumbsup

*nowhere near its potential


Final Cut Pro7 was only available in Final Cut Studio. If you owned an earlier version you could upgrade for around $500.

From memory:
My original copy of FCP was near $2000.
My first copy of Final Cut Studio (upgrade as a FCP owner); about $1000
Upgrade to 7; $500

So all up I paid much more for FCP than the cost of FCExpress.


FCP7 is a pig on the RAM.


Sony Vegas for PC. Love it.

bkrtron - 26 May 2014 02:30 PM

FCP7 is a pig on the RAM.

Agreed - I have plenty enough that it makes no difference.
The good thing about it being heavy on memory is you learn how to edit in a RAM friendly manner. It gets intensive because of the limitless things that can done and most people want to see what they can do with every setting available instead of keeping it simple - like what FCX forces you to do.

I can edit 1080 video on my MacBook using FCP7 without to much problem but usually only use FCX on it.

For full FCP7 edits I leave to my big MacPro.


Upon re-reading Kyneee’s first post; in consideration to RAM and editing tasks generally, you are much better shooting in 720@25fps with any camera (including GoPro).

spaz - 28 May 2014 11:09 AM
bkrtron - 26 May 2014 02:30 PM

FCP7 is a pig on the RAM.

Agreed - I have plenty enough that it makes no difference.
The good thing about it being heavy on memory is you learn how to edit in a RAM friendly manner. It gets intensive because of the limitless things that can done and most people want to see what they can do with every setting available instead of keeping it simple - like what FCX forces you to do.

I can edit 1080 video on my MacBook using FCP7 without to much problem but usually only use FCX on it.

For full FCP7 edits I leave to my big MacPro.

Yeah I agree it’s like you need to change your work flow to support the program and the super big resolutions. Need to down size. every thing especially if it’s just for web content no need for 4k.

Do you do this professionally Spaz? How much you got under the hood in that MacPro?