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GoPro are listing on the stock exchange!

Interesting article

In particular this bit…

“I don’t see anyone effectively competing with them because focusing on the quality of the hardware is missing the point,” says Stephen Baker, a VP of industry analysis for the NPD Group. “GoPro wins because of its ecosystem, because people want to be associated with the brand. It is about lifestyle and not hardware — which is a good thing.”



spaz - 22 May 2014 07:37 AM


quote of the year!


GoPro have filed an IPO this week, which comes as no surprise as the company announced their plan to go public in February.  What does come as a surprise is the timing of the IPO.  Many other technological brands have been holding off on such a move due to the difficultness of that market at present.

GoPro has however announced some extraordinary figures, which speak for themselves, doubling their revenue in 2012 ($234.2 million to $526 million) and improving by 87.4% to $985.7 million in 2013.

Looking at the balance sheet does throw up some strange figures, with revenue down $20 million when comparing Q1 in 2014 with the same period in 2013.

The action sports camera company has put this down to ‘production problems’.  Basically, GoPro were supposed to release a certain product in Q4 of 2012, and it was delayed which gave the first quarter in 2013 these hefty results.

Now, onto GoPro’s intent to transform into a media company.  Bit of a no brainer really, they can grow their GoPro network using existing social networks (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc) with content marketing their product.

It looks like it’s all go over at the king of the action sports camera market.

GoPro plan to raise $100 million from the initial public offering, and will trade on the Nasdaq under the symbol GPRO.



oh no company going public :( investors wanting more and more money back. I have never liked the idea myself.

bkrtron - 23 May 2014 04:07 PM

oh no company going public :( investors wanting more and more money back. I have never liked the idea myself.

That is one way to look at it, but it is more money into the company, and they wont just jack up prices to make profit.
Its done by new products, improvements on old ones, improved marketing & a few sneaky ways.
but all in all if correctly managed, this could be a good thing


bkrtron - 23 May 2014 04:07 PM

oh no company going public :( investors wanting more and more money back. I have never liked the idea myself.

If no one went public then we wouldn’t have a hell of a lot of things we have today…


I agree Deano…

Notwithstanding the fact that my new job is directly affected by new IPO’s in Australia! LOL

So I kinda gotta support them!


we would also have a lot less crappy products that don’t last very long.


True, but it still remains without investor $$$ we wouldn’t have the good quality gear that the cheap crappy shit can imitate.