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Name that Run…


Thought I’d start up yet another photo game on here, but this one is focused on snow.
Post a photo of somewhere on a mountain, you can be riding in it or maybe its just a scenic photo.
The photo has to of or on a “run” an “landmark” or “area” of a ski resort.
For now we will stick with Aus and NZ resorts.
Name the run/spot and the mountain.

for example:
name this run?

Answer could be either Top of Holden Express chair, Top of Baldy run Mt Buller

Get the drift?

If you guess right, you post the next photo. Hopefully this doesnt fail miserably haha

Name This Run?


Somewhere in NZ by the looks of it. Any hints?


That run is where I wish I was right now.

Good idea for a game.. have fun with it.


Cool game, no idea where it is apart from NZ, can any of our hombres over the ditch know where its at?


Remarkables somewhere?


Looks like Eagle Rock in Cadrona?

snowforshow - 02 October 2010 11:31 AM

Looks like Eagle Rock in Cadrona?

Whoops, he said its in buller.


It’s somewhere on the remarks


OK, seems no one knows where that one is, I’ll put a new one up, see if we can get things moving.

Name the run in the foreground and the lift.


mount Pea double? and Qbowl/supa winda….? maybe

CRACKERS - 05 October 2010 12:03 PM

? and wylies run or what ever its called….maybe?

If your talking about my pick, nope


howd you do that? i hadnt even finished typing it up! haha

i changed it anways after writing it was a t bar! hahah oops


Yeh cheers Tambazz, I agree, if it comes to a dead end feel free to start new ones, but also feel free to keep guessing. But mine was at Remarks near the lookout. I would have taken the top of Calypso or The Highway as answers

Your pic Tambazz, the backgroud is Orchid area at hotham im pretty sure…? Off my head but ill guess Sun Run?? or around there


Sun Run it is, nice work…......... what lift?


Road Runner Lift

An easy one so someone else can post some pics
Hint - Vic mtn
Name this Run:


Skyline ?