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What exercise did you do today?


Over Easter I climbed Mt Warning near Byron, that’s a 9km round trip but you gain over 800m of vertical during that.  Took 1hr 20min to the summit, the last 100m or so is a chain over rock that you have to drag yourself up.  Stayed up the top for a little while and headed back down, 3 hours all up, pretty big day!  Did a tonne of surfing as well while I was up there!

Making a big fitness effort at the moment, I weighed in at 98kgs last week, Monday I did 5.6km soft sand run, 1 hour surf and a 4km SUP.  Yesterday I had a 1 hour surf, weights session and then a 12km road run, not a bad effort for my second run I reckon, took me 1hr 20mins with proper hills, for those of you who know the area it was from Newport surf club to the Warriewood Square turn off and back again.


Went bush walking all last week. Walked down the South-East Coast, South-West coast and across WIlson’s Prom. Did kinda a fig. 8 and hiked 60km over the 5 days. Wednesday being the biggest, walking 23km. Was stuffed by the end of the week! Carrying a pack wich was probably about 23kg. I had food, water, group first aid and my camera gear with me each day


Did my second pilates session last night, seemed to help with the severe DOMS from the night before when I did a lot of squats, lunges and calf raises. Just about crying in pain when using the roller on the IT band but it seems to getting some mobility back into my hips and def helping with my back mobility and static core strength. Ive been talked into doing a bikram yoga class this Saturday and um hoping to head back to the tramp place this week as well!


Roller or deep tissue massage on the IT band is the worst! Always makes me jump!


If you use the roller every day it’s fine.

But no one ever does that.


I remember when I was doing our massage component at uni and we were doing the ITB the first time. I almost kicked my partner so hard LOL


I’m back to swimming every day. Nothing crazy, yesterday I swam 1.2km. I’ll step it up to 1.5km, then 2km by the end of next week. Today will be my first session back at Bikram yoga too.


I had my first night back at training last night after doing my ankle. No one else rocked up so I got an hour long one on one class with the trainer. Definitely feeling it today! On the bright side I’m now ready to do my first grading for kung fu next week!


First Bikram yoga session in about a year absolutely destroyed me. Probably the hardest session I have ever done.  hmmm


Today I did light weight arm curls.

By light weight I mean.. Schooner weight

On a side note
Im training once a week..  One fifth the amount I used to… Boring.
Mostly mix of cardio core sessions. Very high intensity.
We train at a surf shop down here, ShedNine. If your on the Peninsula in Melb, definitely worth checking out. 1hr session for $10, Tues and Thurs night’s.

I can’t find the video in this thread (on my phone and it’s struggling)
Anyway, anymore YouTube’s of snowboard gym training? Techniques to improve snowboarding maneuvers. Drops, spins, balance.


Matty, have you seen the video of Jussi Oksanen training?

I swam 1.3km today. Getting there slowly.


Yep, that’s the one I was looking for.

Is there any other videos getting around like that?


My abs and chest are telling me that I must be getting back to the situps/pushups lately….

Cmon the core workouts!!!

mattyp - 19 May 2014 09:29 PM

Yep, that’s the one I was looking for.

Is there any other videos getting around like that?

mattyp - 17 May 2014 12:27 AM

Today I did light weight arm curls.

By light weight I mean.. Schooner weight


My kind of training!