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Picking new boards.


Do you guys have guide lines what you go off when going for a newie?

Im in need of a new board for this season, but unsure what to go with.

Is anyone riding a Stepchild?
Iv never riden one, but for the price, they’re looking pretty good.
And havnt heard anything bad about them.

Im roughly 6ft, 75kgs and have a size 9boot
Ride all mountain stuff..  Need something that will be an all-rounder anyway.

Last board was a Capita Stairmaster 152.
I was looking at the Nitro 152 Badseed.
But seeing as im still jobless, that’s looking out of my price range..

Been checking out the Stepchild Sucks and Eman Anderson.
Would potentially go up to a 155 maybe…  Unsure about that. But open to suggestions.
Prefer to have regular camber rather then reverse and true twin..

What do you guys think?


Maybe a Yes Basic ??? With camrock


Hey Matty,

Have you thought about what camber profile you think would suit you best?

Have a read through and give us your thoughts, so we can narrow it down.

I have tested several StepChild boards and they ride really nice. We will actually be stocking them in our store very soon.

But I do agree with bracer… If you want something really versatile, it’s going to be hard to beat the CamRock profile. The YES Basic would be a solid board for sure.

Don’t forget you will get a member’s discount on anything purchased in our store. Feel free to email me directly and we will look after you: jeremy(at)


How do you find the camrock compaired to regular?

Really, I’d be hitting rails, boxes when over doing laps.

More into hitting kickers and natural drops.
But definitely keen to improve my park skills.

Looking at the CamRock profile, thinking it would be lacking pop and holding edge during fast turns?


CamRock rides most similar to regular camber out of all the options out there. You still have camber between your feet, so you get solid pop, stability and edge hold while carving.

The only times I really feel the rocker in the tip and tail is when pressing, buttering, and riding powder—and it’s an advantage to have it in those situations.

That’s why I really like CamRock. You get the advantages of camber when you need it, and the advantages of rocker for pressing and float in powder. Perfect combo, in my opinion.

If you want something with more pop and stability than Camrock, then full camber is your only option. Not saying it’s a bad option either; full camber is my most used and favourite profile too. CamRock is a bit more versatile though, so great if you want one board to handle all conditions.


I’ve never demoed camrock actually. The more I hear about it the more I want to tho .....


You should definitely demo boards if you can MattyP. As you can see, Jeremy and a lot of other members here are big fans of the CamRock profile. I personally prefer C2 style hybrid more than CamRock because I like having camber at the tip and tail of my board instead of rocker. Both are versatile profiles. Also I’ve mentioned this before and got into a heated arguement with Andy haha, but IMO C2 boards carves harder than CamRock boards in general. But that’s my opinion and lots of people here will disagree with me.

Also to note there are different types of CamRock (camber until the middle of inserts, camber between the inserts, camber past the inserts) and C2 (mellow rocker in the middle to camber, aggressive rocker to camber, medium rocker to elliptical camber, etc.).

But for the value, you really can’t go wrong with YES Basic.

bracer - 08 May 2014 12:57 PM

I’ve never demoed camrock actually. The more I hear about it the more I want to tho .....

Hopefully we’ll get some YES demo boards at The Shred. You coming?


Sadly no I won’t be at the shred ..... but happily I will be in Wanaka at the same time on a fam shred!!!

Hoping to be living in Wanaka next year actually ...... hint hint!! putting in a good word for a slightly international shred option for next year???? hehehe