The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


worst house/best street thanks - you can do up a bad house, but you can’t do much about the location.

most alcoholic drinks consumed in a night?


depends what you call in a night? Mine is 2 slabs of beer, so 48 beers. But that was from 8pm friday night and right through till 6pm saturday night. It was all one drinking session tho, i didnt sleep or stop, but some hours id have heaps and some hours id have less. So dont know if that counts

Best and Worst alcoholic drink you have ever tired?


I hate Southern Comfort - something about it just makes me gag.

I love Grey Goose vodka - so smooth.

What is your dream car?


concrete mixer shot, nothing could b worse!!!

favourite tv show??


Sure I would, He’s a dork, but so are most dads.

How do you prefer your eggs cooked?



What’s your favourite perfume/cologne?


Does Rexona sport count?

Summer or winter?


hate ppl that cant put there phone down especially when ur trying 2 talk 2 them!!!

where u watching the footy at??


just watched about 25mins at home, at the end of the 2nd half. I live in a house full of league haters so unless its the raiders playing I don’t bother fighting for rights to the TV, cos I don’t really care about it that much.

Best theme park you’ve been to?


Six Flags.

What was your first ever board?


156cm burton Jeremy Jones

little puppy or little kitten?


little puppy 4 sure

favourite thing 2 do in ur spare time


anything so i dont get bored…

iphone 4 or 3


Got a 3 at the moment with one hell of a busted ass screen…

If it’s summer and you’ve no access to snow, are you still keen to hear about it or would you prefer to just talk surfing/whatever you might be into?


shit not even spose 2 wear ur country colours or ur a terrorist target, how does that even make it enjoyable 2 watch!!!

what was your childhood dream??