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Breaking in boots that are too small

I got boots that were half a size smaller since that’s what the internet told me to do.

Now I’m attempting to break them in but it’s super tight without socks and I dont feel comfy wearing them around the house.

Based on this link below, I shouldnt consider heat molding just yet. Any tips on how I can expedite this?

I just got remind insoles (medic) so I’m in the process of breaking those in as well.

Could I just go walk on the treadmill for a couple of hours every weekend in my boots and hope they get comfier?


Ohhhh doesn’t sound good to me. I wear very thin socks with my boots because they fit very snugly but if you’re getting pain in any part of your foot after wearing your boots for less than half an hour even while breaking them in I would say they are the wrong boots for you.

Trust me that pain from your boots after wearing them for a day on the slopes can result in your feet being bruised and ruining the rest of your trip.

If you’ve never bought snowboard boots before then I would never buy them off the internet because you really need to go to a good boot store with a good boot fitter and try on a number of boots to find one that suits your foot (maybe 10 pairs or more) !!!

Having said that you can get the shells moulded a bit maybe after you’ve broken them in a bit at home. But you really need to have started with comfy boots in the first place really.

Others may have some more advice for you tho…. 


I got boots that were half a size smaller since that’s what the internet told me to do.

Can you please explain this in more detail. Did you try boots on in store or did you take a gamble buying online without trying on? Half a size smaller than what?

Now I’m attempting to break them in but it’s super tight without socks and I dont feel comfy wearing them around the house.

Also need more details here. How are they not comfy? Where are you feeling tightness and how tight exactly? Is it just a bit of pressure on the front of your toes or is it causing your toes to bend? Also, what boots did you buy?

Based on this link below, I shouldnt consider heat molding just yet. Any tips on how I can expedite this?

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t heat-mould if you are having considerable fit/sizing problems. Usually I encourage people to avoid heat-moulding IF they have been fitted correctly in the first place. Still, I would like you to answer the questions above before I make any recommendations.

Could I just go walk on the treadmill for a couple of hours every weekend in my boots and hope they get comfier?

In a nutshell, yes. Maybe not a treadmill but the best way to break in boots is just wear them. Wear them around the house, while you’re watching TV, whatever. The more time you spend in the boots, and flexing them, putting them through “normal use”, the quicker they will break in. That said, you first need to make sure they really aren’t too small, which could injure your feet and cause more problems.


Good fitting boots is very important - the most important thing IMO.

You might have to cut your losses dude. You should be able to get a good amount of your money back if you sell them s/h.

Have you spoken to the internet shop about a swap? Even if you have to cough up a little extra for a return it will be worth it to get it sorted.


I’ve done this with my latest pair of boots but I tried them on in store so I knew that they fitted everywhere except for length.


That’s all you can do is wear the crap out of them with good boot socks (BW 3CS socks highly recommended) and put up with the pain.

I rode 2-3 hours a day with them and walked around in them for work for nearly a week until they packed out nicely. As Rider said make sure they aren’t damagingly small and cause more problems for your feet but the end result is worth it moulded boots that will fit better!


I usually wear size US 10 but I got DC phase Blacks in size US 9.5. I bought these online without trying them in store on the account that there are no hardgoods stores where I live.

my feet feel fine in the liner alone but when I stick it in the shell,  I feel tightness in the toe box to a point that I can’t wiggle toes. it doesn’t hurt if I just laze around the house but when I try to move, I feel like it’s cramping my toes.

I did start walking in them for an hour on the treadmill the other day and it didn’t hurt as much but I still couldn’t wiggle my toes.


Are your toes curling up in the boots?

IMO, I think if you feel super tight without the socks, you should try to return it or sell it and get another boots. However in regards to DC boots, I tried this year’s T.Rice boots in store and I have to wear a size 10 or 10.5 where I usually wear a size 9 in Burton boots. So that might also explain why your boots feels so small.


Another thing you can do to clarify if those boots are right for you is check the measurement in cm on the DC shoe size chart. This measurement is from the back of the heel to the longest toe.  For snowboard boots you would want the measurements of your foot and boot to be very similar. If your foot measure is more than half a cm longer than that stated for the boots then you may have the wrong size.

I wear Burton boots and I have exactly the same measurement boots as my feet if that makes sense?


Here’s another DC footwear size chart:


Toes aren’t curling up in the boots (i just cant wiggle them) and I’ve worn them with some merino socks on while walking on the treadmill.

According to the second link that bracer gave, I’m right on the threshold for the size I bought which is at 27.5 cm. I can’t open up the first link on my phone correctly so I’ll check that later tonight.


Sounds like all ya need is the Toe Box blown out a bit!!!!!

Head to a store (whenever ya get the chance) and they’ll have a sleeve that goes over ya toe end of the foot, heat up the liner, and stretch the box a bit with ya foot in there!!!!!

But next time, wait till ya in store to purchase boots!!!!! shaka


RS, how does the rest of the boot feel? Is it snug and comfortable? Are you getting any heel lift?

If the length is the ONLY issue, I’d give it a bit of time and wait for it to pack out. I say this with great confidence: all boots will pack out a bit. If your toes aren’t hurting and you’re willing to be a bit patient, then there’s a good chance you will generate enough room around your toes through normal use. It’s easier to expand the boots then make them smaller (which is basically impossible). Try heat-moulding if that’s an option for you. Either way, if you aren’t returning the boots, wear them as much as possible and even try to push out your toes to create space; the liner will eventually give way a bit and pack out.

If you’re in pain—> get rid of them.