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Lib Tech TRS vs. Rossignol One Magtek

Hey everyone,

I’ve been out about 15 times and ride as much as I can. I’m looking to purchase my new board. I rode the Rossignol Templar Magtek and loved it, just looking for something with Magnatraction that’s a bit more advanced so I can handle the east coast snow that doesn’t catch on the tips too easily.

It’s down to two The Rossignol One Magtek and The Lib Tech TRS.

Here are some links, comparing the two.

Rossignol One Magtek

Lib Tech TRS

Can any experts out there, recommend, based on the knowledge provided, which is the better board ??
Other than the fact that the One mag is more of a solid carving all mountain board that can be set back when it snows hard, where the TRS is more of an all mountain freestyle board that you keep the stance centered?

Thanks !!!


There is no better board. It’s just a matter of preference. Do you like rocker-camber-rocker like the One Magtek or camber-rocker-camber on the TRS? I’ve demoed the One Mag 3 years ago I think and liked it. But thinking about it now I think with RCR profile, I want the camber section to be longer. I rode my friend’s TRS for like 5 minutes and liked it a lot too. I’m always a fan of CRC profile more than RCR. If you’ve demoed the Templar and liked it (I tried the Templar too before) then just get the One Magtek, it’s basically an upgraded Templar.


With only 15 days under your belt and if you like the Rossi boards I think you should consider the Rossi Jibsaw. It was the board I rode all last season and I was really impressed with it (other than the graphic which was a shocker)

It has all the tech features you’d want but comes with a more mellow flex (can still bomb with it but its more playful than the stiff one) and I think it also has a longer cambered section than the one.

Worth considering.


Welcome to Boardworld, Chapaloo! cool smile

Have you read this thread?

Those boards have different camber profiles so they will ride differently. It would probably be a good idea to read the thread linked above to give you an idea of how they will ride. As skip11 mentioned, it comes down to personal preference and what you want to get out of your board. You can’t really say one is better than the other, although I would lean towards the sintered base of the One Magtek — sintered is better.


Hey Chapaloo, welcome to the forums smile

If it was for me, I would choose the Rossi mate.

I’ve ridden the TRS and it’s not a bad board, but that kind of hybrid is basically just like riding a rocker, but more catchy and less predictable on rails. The plus being is carves slightly better than (some) rockers.

I haven’t ridden the Rossi One, but I have ridden the Jibsaw and I thought it was awesome. It will ride like a chilled camber board, carve well, float powder well, turn short and agile because of it rocker-camber-rocker profile and I really like Magtek too, it works.
The thing it sacrifices is a little bit of carve ability compared to a full camber, but will still carve a lot harder than the TRS.

If you want a looser board, I suggest going with a full rocker of some sort. So you get the full benefits of rocker. If you want a board that carves well and does it all, both these boards are aimed at that. But the Rossi trumps the TRS in almost all aspects except maybe slightly better powder float.


@rider26: I’ve ridden my friend’s TRS and the base is fast. Lib’s TNT base is not some cheap extruded base so I would argue Rossi’s base is not necesseraily better. My buddy’s YES Basic 2012 sintered base is one the the worst base I’ve ever seen for a sintered base. Yohan from Underground Tuning confirms this. It dried soooo fast like 1 day of riding and all the edges are white. So the point is I wouldn’t steer away from the TRS just because of the base. TNT is a good base (teflon coated if I remember a Lib rep saying). But yes, in general sintered base is better than extruded.


Rossi trumps the TRS in almost all aspects except maybe slightly better powder float.

I disagree with this. I think the TRS carves harder than the One Magtek. Even though it’s a really fun board, the camber on the One Magtek is only 1.5mm and stops at the middle of the insert (at least it was when I demoed it). After that it rockers up quite significantly. Where the TRS has tip and tail camber zones which again in my opinion is where you want the camber to be for pop and carving. I also found C2 profile is not super good at float (based on riding 60 days on my T.Rice) once it gets 30cm +. I would bet that One Magtek will float better than the TRS (but then again I’ve never tried XC2). Hahah, sorry Andy it seems I’ve been disagreeing with you on a lot of things lately lol raspberry


Yep, pretty much every post I make.

But seriously dude, apart from the fact that I have felt the way both these boards work myself, it’s just physics.

Despite the TRS having camber in the tips, it is essentially a rocker.
The Rossi One is essentially a short camber plus rocker tips.

Cambers carve harder than Rockers, any pro will tell you that.
I know this myself because I have carved much better on any CamRock board than I have on any rocker with camber tips (and I have tried many).
Give me ANY CamRock board and I will make it carve better than ANY Rocker Hybrid.

I don’t think I know it all (or ever will) but I think I have built a reasonable amount of knowledge about most aspects of snowboarding.This is my 11th season working for snow resorts and my 7th season teaching snowboarding. And I’m actually thinking about not posting any more because every time I do, I know you’ll be the next post, trying to disprove what ever I’ve written. I’m trying to help people, I don’t want to spend all my time debating with you just to make my posts sound credible again.
Why are you doing it? I have no idea. We all disagree with each other occasionally, that’s fine, but this is getting ridiculous. We’re friends, we ride together, you often ask me for help with your riding. I don’t get what you’re trying to achieve with this, but you haven’t taken the hint from the last few disagreements so I’ll say it plainly. Please cut it out mate.


Hahah chill man, I’m just voicing my opinion smile. Back to the topic. I agree with you 100% that camber carves harder than rocker. It’s just that with the One Magtek, the camber is so short and minimal (come on 1.5mm that doesn’t go past the inserts), even Rossi says it’s 40% camber and 60% rocker. Now if you’re talking Camrock with camber past the inserts and a bigger amount of it, I agree with you it will carve harder than C2 (like my PYL and this year’s YES line). I just want let the OP know that not all Camrock is the same. And I stick with my opinion that the Rossi will float better than the TRS based on my experience with my T.Rice and PYL.WILL

Anyways that’s my personal opinion, take it easy Andy haha.


The TRS is still more of a Rocker than the Rossi One.
Why would it carve harder than the Rossi?

If you’ve decided to keep doing this crap, then I’m done. I’ve got better things to do with my life then argue with you over every post I make.


Because the camber is at the tip and tail pushing the contact points down and you can load the camber zones. Where as the Rossi the camber is so minimal and you can barely load the camber because it’s between the feet.

Why are you so angry? I’m just saying MY opinion, if you don’t agree with it then it’s fine. I’m not forcing you to believe what I said. I never said you’re wrong and I’m right, I just disagree with you. I know you’re a better rider than me but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with every single thing you said right?

Anyways, I don’t want this thread to turn hostile. I don’t know why you’re so mad when I’m trying to have a healthy discussion.

So OP, try both if you can and just buy whatever stokes you most.


You disagree with everything I post. Why would I find this an enjoyable place to be when you are doing that?
If I disagreed with another member every time they posted something, I think they would tell me exactly where to go. So I don’t do it.

I’ve been pretty patient with you doing this and even jokingly pointed it out to you a few times before. But you’ve chosen to keep going with it like it’s your right to do so.
So I’m done, don’t expect any more posts from me. Go play keyboard wars with someone else.

(I’m sorry OP, didn’t mean to mess up your thread, hope you got something out of it between the arguing).


Fark me opinions and assholes eh!  Maybe take it to PM’s guys if it’s getting to you that much. 

In regards to the OP question I was riding a T Rice with the C2 hybrid and then swapped to a DC Ply with camrock.  They both ride differently but I have grown to prefer the camrock.  In terms of powder they are both capable


Based on the attributes that the OP was after, I’m gonna agree with Andy’s recommendation and call the Rossi as the best option!!!!!

The C2 Profile (TRS) in anythin other than fresh, is “catchier” than a regular/CamRock cambered board, very unpredictable, and in my experience just downright horrible and unenjoyable to ride!!!!!

The CamRock addresses the slight downfall of full camber by rockerein the tips to make it float better when it does get fresh, but as the OP has called for an icy east coast all rounder, a CamRock Profile will far outweigh any C2 profile, for carvin, straight line bombin, pop, edge control, and stomping air with a solid “grip” on landin!!!!!

@skip - My TRice initially held wax no better than my YES Tasmaniac, and that’s supposedly better than the TNT Base!!!!! Either way, a properly waxed and maintained Sintered Base will be hands down better any day of the week!!!!! The only time an extruded base comes in the winner is if ya wanna bash rails and concrete all day long!!!!!

@Andy - Grandma’s Undies!!!!!


I reckon it’s down to personal preference.  There are people that rip on either style of profile.  I’m pretty much in the Camrock camp, although I own a T.Rice and despite hating it for the first hour or so, I actually quite enjoy riding it now.  I would say try to demo or hire those boards or some with similar profiles and see what you dig on.


@skip and @andy
April Fools ?!


@K2: No april fools.