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Mizu Kuma - 23 March 2014 09:09 AM

Yeah, there’s shops that sell Hestra over here, but as its percieved as more of a “Skier Brand” it won’t get too much love of the Snowboard Community!!!!!

Plus as mentioned, the price is a major factor cause you can get 2 pairs of Gortex DaKine’s for the price of 1 pair of Hestra’s, for example!!!!!

Yeah I checked them out $200 big ones for the Hestra in Oz. They look like some quality gloves.


grahamgee - 22 March 2014 01:06 PM

I run leather unless its pipe gloves. Ive had my grenade misfits pipe gloves for several seasons now and the only thing wrong with them is the soft wiper material has flaked. Non issue. Theyre great for keeping the hands warm with the camera gear out too. I had a set of POW leather gloves that tore early season. They lasted a long time. Leather just lasts longer with grabbing rails and moving branches haha. Ive had a couple pairs of gore tex gloves tear over time. Just prefer a WELL TREATED (sno seal) leather glove. So when my pows bit the bullet, I did some research. I hate full length gloves, too many cords and annpying to get under a jacket cuff. I prefer the short wrist and a tapered zip so it locks down. I ended up with the Hestra Seth Morrison pro model in the mitten shape. Far and away the best glove ive ever had the pleasure of putting on my hands. Absolutely perfect, for me. No. Im not worried its a ‘ski brand’. Some snow brands could learn a lot from these gloves. Theyre steep, at USD$185 they definitely hit the pocket, but WELL worth it, especially when youre using them every day.

They look great those gloves and I would have to agree that the snowboard brands need to put some money in to development of gloves.


As much as I love spending big money on brand name gloves and such, I find that my gloves end up torn and shredded by the end of the season regardless of how much I spent on them.

I try to buy a cheaper pair at the start of each season, from aldi or similar. these gloves keep my hands warm and dry as well as the more expensive ones and I dont mind as much if i rip them on the mountain.

LowGuido - 23 March 2014 10:17 AM

As much as I love spending big money on brand name gloves and such, I find that my gloves end up torn and shredded by the end of the season regardless of how much I spent on them.

I try to buy a cheaper pair at the start of each season, from aldi or similar. these gloves keep my hands warm and dry as well as the more expensive ones and I dont mind as much if i rip them on the mountain.

What do you do to them dude? I might have a few threads out here and there or a few little holes but nothing that I couldn’t use them again.


I find that most wear will be from carryin ya board with sharp/burred edges, so I’m always conscious of either usin a firm grip with my arm against one bindin to limit movement, or when on snow draggin my board by the bindin heelcup beam!!!!!


yeah sharp board edges, rocks, fences, trees, chair lifts… the list could go on

the mount P double is a doozie the “safety wire” is always full of sharp bits and crap I Tore the thumb right open on a brand new pair of expensive gloves on the mount P double once.

Im not harsh on my equipment either, shit just happens.

LowGuido - 23 March 2014 11:40 AM

yeah sharp board edges, rocks, fences, trees, chair lifts… the list could go on

the mount P double is a doozie the “safety wire” is always full of sharp bits and crap I Tore the thumb right open on a brand new pair of expensive gloves on the mount P double once.

Im not harsh on my equipment either, shit just happens.

You can’t help the elements and shit around the snow. Good to see someone giving it a good shot.

Mizu Kuma - 23 March 2014 10:35 AM

I find that most wear will be from carryin ya board with sharp/burred edges, so I’m always conscious of either usin a firm grip with my arm against one bindin to limit movement, or when on snow draggin my board by the bindin heelcup beam!!!!!

MAAAANNNNNN that’s the style…rock the phat pants hanging off your arse and drag that board along with the heel cup. Give a wink to the ladies then jib like it’s no ones business.


Got it all covered bar the Jib part!!!!! LOL

But we can just keep that between ourselves!!!!!


pooh you got that covered to with you shoulder jibbing all over the place..