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Did abs for the first time in over a year on Friday, still can’t stand up straight. Everything else went okay last week after a 6 week break. Time to get dem legs strong for hiking/boarding YEAH!
Yep, I’ve started weight training again, since I can’t do cardio (knee injury) been doing mon/wed/fri (and walking the dog every Tues/Thurs, but only around the block) being doing 6 different exercises each day, (mix of arms, legs, core, and ones that do multiple muscle groups) and doing 12 reps, 3 sets, and other increasing reps or weight as I progress.. (up from 8 reps, still on 2kg dumbbells in each hand)
And between each exercise, I either do 12 sit ups, with a 3kg medicine ball, or 12 squats with the medicine ball. (I’ve managed 180 sits ups in a night 4 times now)
Hoping to strengthen my knee and wrist for this season..
*haven’t done it this week as I have a chest infection atm, and can barely move! So devo!!
Yep, I’ve started weight training again, since I can’t do cardio (knee injury) been doing mon/wed/fri (and walking the dog every Tues/Thurs, but only around the block) being doing 6 different exercises each day, (mix of arms, legs, core, and ones that do multiple muscle groups) and doing 12 reps, 3 sets, and other increasing reps or weight as I progress.. (up from 8 reps, still on 2kg dumbbells in each hand)
And between each exercise, I either do 12 sit ups, with a 3kg medicine ball, or 12 squats with the medicine ball. (I’ve managed 180 sits ups in a night 4 times now)
Hoping to strengthen my knee and wrist for this season..
*haven’t done it this week as I have a chest infection atm, and can barely move! So devo!!
I bought a knee guard for my next trip, I don’t have any faith in it, hopefully it proves me wrong. I’d be happy with false confidence even. My wrist guards however were the best purchase ever!
Been making the most of having free time before uni starts in 2 weeks and its back to fulltime work and study.
Sunday - 1hr kickboxing
Monday - 2hrs kickboxing
Wednesday - 2hrs kickboxing and 1hr kung fu
Thursday - 1hr cardio and strengthening
Saturday - 1hr kung fu
start all over again tomorrow!
Signed up for Gold’s on Friday and started with leg day on Sunday.
Warm up - 5mins rowing.
3 sets of 10: Leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raisers.
Cool down - 5mins rowing.
Do you have one of those tiny Golds Gym singlets?
I do…haha but got it as a pisstake. The gym i used to go to here in Wollongong had a few guys who would wear them. But they were skinny as f**k. And couldn’t lift even a remotely decent weight. it was embarrassing.
But anyway back on topic, i did single leg balance work, running on a tramp, a solid hitout on my rowing machine and a 5 k walk today. Which is the most amount of physical activity i have done in almost 5 months. Yay for not being crippled!
No I can say I don’t have a gold singlet, but have seen a few meatheads around wearing them, but never actually in Gold’s!
I tend to always rock under armour.
I haven’t been to the gym for a week after being sick. Last session I did back and arms, can’t remember everything exactly though.
This arvo will be core and chest.
I’m still doing my weights mon/wed/fri, and walking the dog on Tues/Thurs and now I’ve added zumba into it (usually the 20 min express work out) as its fairly low impact on my knee and no impact on my wrist.. But adds to my cardio.. My little beagle isn’t the faster walker in the world and she is forever stopping to sniff everything.. So walking her isn’t exactly pushing myself.. So doing zumba 2-3 times a week is adding to that!
I actually really miss being able to go for a 4-5k run every 2-3 days.. Used just just put music in, and enjoy the scenery.. Always ran near the beach or the lake near me..
I’m really enjoying going to the gym three times a week.
Did legs yesterday and they feel like they weigh a ton today
Tonight I started doing some sparring at kickboxing and in kung fu I’ve been practicing for my first grading. wish I wasn’t so busy with uni and work so I could go more often :(
i’m going for a 15k run when I finish work.
LOLLLLLLLLL april fools.
I’ll eat instead
2 hour walk on the beach and a swim
that’s as hardcore as i get, exercise wise
I walked to Kozi on Saturday. They advertised 4-6hrs return for the 13km walk. We powered up there and back in about 2.5 hours.
Sheeeet I hurt today!
You absolutely smashed it Oz! I struggled just to make the lookout, that was more than enough for me. Back in the gym today though:
Machine chest press
Chest fly
Incline bench press
Cable twist
Dumbbell side bend
Leg raises
Cable crunch