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Tobi’s tip for the day…


Don’t eat pizza and then go run for 15 minutes on a treadmill.

You may feel like you want to vomit.

red face


Hahaha that’s a good tip. What pizza was it and how many slices? These details are important.


Mexican - 2 slices
Garlic with cheese - 1 slice

Left overs from last night.

Only ate half of them as I was going to ‘wait’ til after the gym to eat the rest. Don’t want to now for fear of becoming spew face.


Tip # 2 - When changing binding plates from 3 hole to 4 put the washers on the bindings before screwing in the screws.

(yep it’s been a good night)


At least you didn’t put the bindings on wrong… I’ve done that before.


I was only chnaging them cause I used burton 3 hole plates on my k2 4 hole board.

rider26 - 02 July 2009 12:51 PM

At least you didn’t put the bindings on wrong… I’ve done that before.

I’ve done that.


So frustrating… I did it at like 3am when I arrived in Jindy, went to sleep for a few hours, woke up for freshies, got to the snow, then realised I got the bidnings mixed up.

Tobi - 02 July 2009 11:40 AM

Don’t eat pizza and then go run for 15 minutes on a treadmill.

red face

werd..If you eat pizza and then jog…Jog OUTside


I was at the gym!

Trying to loose my beer gut.

Tobi - 02 July 2009 10:05 PM

I was at the gym!

Trying to loose my beer gut.

and the tip is…...?

I have a question..Were you trying to lose it or loose it…?..If the latter , my tip is..bigger clothing..


nice dave, you’re a sharp man.

Dave99 - 02 July 2009 10:43 PM
Tobi - 02 July 2009 10:05 PM

I was at the gym!

Trying to loose my beer gut.

and the tip is…...?

I have a question..Were you trying to lose it or loose it…?..If the latter , my tip is..bigger clothing..

Bah! It was early!

I was at work before sunrise this morning.


I was worried I would not be understood..In The US it seems to very popular to say loose and loosers for lose and losers…I`ve given up trying to correct them because they really feel the new bastardized language is proper..Bad grammar abounds…I blame Rap…


then bastardised further by email and sms

snowslider - 02 July 2009 01:09 PM
rider26 - 02 July 2009 12:51 PM

At least you didn’t put the bindings on wrong… I’ve done that before.

I’ve done that.

Oops I have done that too.. but them the wrong way around, It would have made for an interesting run if I didn’t get them changed.