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What’s your latest purchase?

lanox - 05 March 2014 04:01 PM

wait wait, if my memory is correct didn’t you say that deano is all about girls and not mates… or something on those lines hahahahaha

anyways lets organise a nigh in the city with dean and drc and hopefully he can get some female attention… lol

Touche Lano!  Deano is all about one girl, I’m a little less that way inclined currently.  I’m of the opinion that I want to hit up the eastern suburbs, I keep hearing about the Sheaf and somewhere else called Mrs Sippy.  I vote an apartment at Medina Double Bay with a couple of bedrooms would be just the ticket!

ozgirl - 05 March 2014 07:16 PM

I feel the need to say something here but anything I think of comes out wrong!

Kim I think for you’re own personal safety and reputation that discretion is indeed the better part of valour in this instance ha ha ha ha!



That sounds like a delightful weekend. Count me in.

NBG - 04 March 2014 11:09 AM

Still waiting for you and Deano to hit me up about a night out in the city

lol at the direction this thread has taken since I last checked in!

Yeah mate for sure definitely keen. I’ve been sick as a dog for over a month now so socialising hasn’t even been an option sick On a pretty serious cocktail of drugs atm (roids FTW) so will hopefully be in fighting shape soon.

I’ve got a busy March weekend wise, bucks, welcome home bbq and wedding but after that I’m keen as. shaka


DRC I take it you’re on corticosteroids?  I have yet to meet anyone whose actually been prescribed proper steroids for anything other than HRT!  I take it your SUP hasn’t been in the water for a while then either?  Busy March yes I do to but April might be a great time, perhaps early April a Saturday night maybe?

NBG - 06 March 2014 11:28 AM

DRC I take it you’re on corticosteroids?  I have yet to meet anyone whose actually been prescribed proper steroids for anything other than HRT!  I take it your SUP hasn’t been in the water for a while then either?  Busy March yes I do to but April might be a great time, perhaps early April a Saturday night maybe?

Yeah mate back on my good friend Prednisone as well as my 3rd dose of antibiotics in the past month and a half (including a batch of forte) so in other words back to my usual pattern of health after a massive month or two of being largely healthy and loving life.

I did take a very gentle SUP in the bay as being inside/dormant was killing me. Practiced stepping back and 360spins in relatively calm water as I’m keen as to get it out in the surf (where I reckon the real fun will begin) such a fine line with wind/weather though!

April weekend works for me!


The Sheaf?? Really??


Well come on then Kim, where would you have us go?

DRC you get sick a lot buddy, maybe drinking will help?

NBG - 06 March 2014 11:51 AM

Well come on then Kim, where would you have us go?

DRC you get sick a lot buddy, maybe drinking will help?

Kim would vote The Deck at Cronulla RSL for sure!  cheese

Yeah mate can’t argue that I’ve been getting sick a lot for as long as I can remember. If I could change anything about me that would be it for sure as it’s super restrictive for someone who likes being active/outdoors.

You’re not the first person to recommend I adjust my “healthy lifestyle” drinking more and smoking are often suggested cures.

Ironically this latest batch of joy started a few days after a “big” night out (by my standards) so I’m even more scared of that now!

Oh and to keep this post somewhat on topic, looks like I’ve found another snowboard to purchase (Rome Reverb) this time with much less foot fetish.



Sweet DRC!  This weekend I’m going to check out a few yachts I’ve taken a fancy too up the coast.


You gonna moor it off the beach house?????


Yeah I’ll get a breakwall and a jetty installed, that would make me popular ha ha ha.  Check out this bad boy in Spain

And then what happens when you get the tricky entry wrong


LOL You’ll just have to anchor it offshore, and use the duck to get out to it on the bigger days?????


When you need covers you can sail down here and we can help you out shaka

drc13 - 06 March 2014 01:38 PM
NBG - 06 March 2014 11:51 AM

Well come on then Kim, where would you have us go?

DRC you get sick a lot buddy, maybe drinking will help?

Kim would vote The Deck at Cronulla RSL for sure!  cheese



But NBG I am not really sure where to suggest for you to go for your “big night out in the city”

I just didn’t think The Sheaf was that big on the must see list that people recommended it!

What was it recommended for? A good pick up joint?  Seriously curious!