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What’s your latest purchase?

lanox - 04 March 2014 05:06 PM
bkrtron - 04 March 2014 04:08 PM

Lanox what are those? Headphone amplifier? What headphones are they? I’m intrigued

Headphones are HE-400 by hifiman

Second is amp for them

Third is DAC


varyyyyyy nice!!!

lanox - 04 March 2014 05:06 PM
bkrtron - 04 March 2014 04:08 PM

Lanox what are those? Headphone amplifier? What headphones are they? I’m intrigued

Headphones are HE-400 by hifiman

Second is amp for them

Third is DAC


vaaaaarrrrryyyy nice!

bkrtron - 04 March 2014 05:21 PM
lanox - 04 March 2014 05:06 PM
bkrtron - 04 March 2014 04:08 PM

Lanox what are those? Headphone amplifier? What headphones are they? I’m intrigued

Headphones are HE-400 by hifiman

Second is amp for them

Third is DAC


vaaaaarrrrryyyy nice!

It’s cheap and dirty setup for work so I can leave it there.

When I am at home I got my rig that I listen music on. When I come to work and listen from iPhone headphones sounds $hit.


just picked up these 2 items in the Fyve sale for a total of $74! yew

NBG - 04 March 2014 11:09 AM

Fark sorry mate didn’t mean to hit a nerve hahahahahahahaha!

Still waiting for you and Deano to hit me up about a night out in the city, Deano is no longer a starter by the sounds as he’s decided to go all chicks first, mates last.

Hey! I’m still down to party, don’t count me out!

And i will be surprised if you actually make the trek over the bridge…


Bwhahahahaha I’ve been spending that much time on the other side of the bridge lately it’s ridiculous!  Been surfing Bronte a fair bit actually so it would appear that at least while I’m single I have overcome my fear of bridge/tunnel crossings, my other brain makes me do it!  Only drama is I’m generally only there through the week! 

Actually Deano I was thinking of checking out a yacht in Batemans in a couple of weeks on a Saturday, might stop in Gongland on the way back if you’re up for it!


I may come for a trip if you want someone to touch you inappropriately on the way?

My latest purchase has been a pretty damn powerful, highly illegal laser pointer from the land of the slave labour and smog (China) Its pretty fun to play with and tease cats with.


You know me too well Deano, I’m always up for some inappropriate touching in the Rok, maybe get a surf in on the way ha ha!


I can prob film or be a groupie. Not sure how my ankle will hold up to surfing just yet.

Or i can bring my old body board and you can proceed to yell abuse at me and run me over?  LOL  shred


Mike u come to bronte and u don’t call that is disquasting.

Speaking of getting a drink what happend to that lol ??

lanox - 05 March 2014 03:40 PM

Mike u come to bronte and u don’t call that is disquasting.

Speaking of getting a drink what happend to that lol ??

Well I’m a disgusting human with a lack of morals and as you don’t possess female private parts my interest in the east has been elsewhere ha ha ha ha ha! With that said we do need a beer, will tee it up soon.

deanobruce - 05 March 2014 02:08 PM

I can prob film or be a groupie. Not sure how my ankle will hold up to surfing just yet.

Or i can bring my old body board and you can proceed to yell abuse at me and run me over?  LOL  shred

I would like to try and cover all three, all of them sound equally fun ha ha ha!  Maybe we need someone else to film the abuse and subsequent serious cutting injuries?


wait wait, if my memory is correct didn’t you say that deano is all about girls and not mates… or something on those lines hahahahaha

anyways lets organise a nigh in the city with dean and drc and hopefully he can get some female attention… lol


I feel the need to say something here but anything I think of comes out wrong!


LOL funniest thing you have said this year!!