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Some perspective on sharks


I Don’t like the newer breeds for the fact that they are bred to give a lot of eggs in a short time, then their “useful” life is over. I’d rather have a longer life span with some production over that time. In a good period, i.e. start of spring, we’d get an egg a day from each hen. Then as soon as the temp changes, up down up down, they struggle and it becomes sporadic. They’ll lay well again come autumn.
A bag of chook food now is about $15 average for 20kg. That lasts our chooks, who free range every day, about 10 days. At the moment, with 1-2 eggs a day, they are expensive eggs. There’s a big egg shortage in Aus at the moment due to the flu outbreak just before Xmas, when many birds across NSW were culled.
We had an outbreak of “I don’t know what, but it’s not nice” 15 months ago, and lost half the flock, then again once the weather changed, another 1 or 2 started with the symptoms and were quickly rehomed into a cool dark environment permanently so as not to infect the rest. Yucky but necessary.

spaz - 30 January 2014 05:20 AM

It’s our falt.

What is your question question

I wasn’t asking a question?????

I’ve already made my point in previous posts!!!!!


Super interesting on this topic if you’ve got 12 minutes!

Mizu Kuma - 30 January 2014 09:02 AM
spaz - 30 January 2014 05:20 AM

It’s our falt.

What is your question question

I wasn’t asking a question?????

I’ve already made my point in previous posts!!!!!

The multiple question marks must have confused me. smile

Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 09:01 PM

The only reason why there’s a demand for cage eggs is due to the public buying them, and the farmers choosing to use those farming practices?????

I guess this is why grammar is important. teacherboy
Maybe it’s my fault for passing 3rd grade.

spaz - 01 February 2014 08:39 AM
Mizu Kuma - 30 January 2014 09:02 AM
spaz - 30 January 2014 05:20 AM

It’s our falt.

What is your question question

I wasn’t asking a question?????

I’ve already made my point in previous posts!!!!!

The multiple question marks must have confused me. smile

Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 09:01 PM

The only reason why there’s a demand for cage eggs is due to the public buying them, and the farmers choosing to use those farming practices?????

I guess this is why grammar is important. teacherboy
Maybe it’s my fault for passing 3rd grade.

You do know what a Rhetorical Question is, don’t you?????

It’s like when someone uses “WTF?????”

Although if I remember correctly, we might have learnt that in 4th Grade?????



I’ll even put it into context for you, to make it easier?????

spaz - 29 January 2014 08:21 PM

To meet demand farmers have little choice.

To which I responded with!!!!! vvvvv

Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 09:01 PM

The only reason why there’s a demand for cage eggs is due to the public buying them, and the farmers choosing to use those farming practices?????

cords - 31 January 2014 04:24 AM

Super interesting on this topic if you’ve got 12 minutes!

I’d like to see him show 100% confidence in his invention, and go for a swim with a great white!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 10:05 AM

I have got nothin against sharks whatsoever, but I’m not sure why we treated them any different to any other animal?????

I don’t like to see any animal killed for any reason other than food, but for some reason we are very selective when we choose to protect one species over another?????

We kill thousands of roos over here for nothin more than gettin into our food supply, and everyone thinks that’s okay, but we get wound up when they kill a couple of sharks, or the when Japanese kill Whales!!!!!

Endangered species I hear ya say?????

Yet we don’t hear a mutter about Dugong, Green Sea Turtle in our own country, or anythin else about the multiple other countries that kill Whale, Dolphin, and even Polar Bear?????

Leaving aside the very good philosophical points you raise, the level on the food chain sharks hold means that the removal of a relatively small amount of the population is more likely to have a negative impact on the population than the removal of a large amount of a species on the bottom of the food chain (like the kangaroo). I don’t know about you but I hear bout dugong and sea turtles all the time ( but you know I more than likely get a distorted outlook on that). 

Back to the other point, it annoys me when people get angry that horses are getting killed for meat but they would happily eat beef that is killed in exactly the same way. To me there is no difference.


I agree that there’ll be a disruption to the balance of species once an apex predictor is removed, but on the same hand, that same rule also applies to a species that is allowed to flourish!!!!!

The shuffle of heirachy has been happenin for centuries!!!!!

Horse is another for us in Australia also!!!!! We cull hundreds of Brumby in the Alpine National Parks simply because they have an impact on the pristine environment!!!!!

I also agree completely with the comparison to beef!!!!! If its goin to be eaten then I’ve got no issues whatsoever!!!!!

While I’m not a gambling man myself, I’ll have a dollar on some of the shark cull protesters participatin in a few bob on the gee gee’s as well!!!!! They’ve got no issue with usin an animal for their own entertainment?????

Yet we build Snow Resorts, Housing, Roads, use the land for recreational 4WDing, etc etc!!!!!

Humans leave the biggest scar on this planet out of all species!!!!!

And this Apex Predator flourishes!!!!!

I’ve never personally witnessed (or even heard of) thousands of protesters, rallyin to stop the slaughter of dugong & sea turtle?????

CRACKERS - 02 February 2014 09:16 PM

Back to the other point, it annoys me when people get angry that horses are getting killed for meat but they would happily eat beef that is killed in exactly the same way. To me there is no difference.


There is no difference.


OMG I had an epiphany today!!!
I’m trying to find any fault with this theory but can’t - help me out people.

We already know how to prevent shark attacks!
There hasn’t been a shark attack on a patrolled beach in over 50 years.
Surf life saving Australia manage the problem with 100% success; they don’t let people swim when a shark is present.

Can it really be that simple.

Mizu Kuma - 03 February 2014 06:26 AM

I agree that there’ll be a disruption to the balance of species once an apex predictor is removed, but on the same hand, that same rule also applies to a species that is allowed to flourish!!!!!

The shuffle of heirachy has been happenin for centuries!!!!!

Apex predators won’t ‘flourish’ unless there is enough prey, if there isnt then they die off to a level that is sustainable with the prey, so the system self regulates. Humans are the element that doesn’t fit the usual patterns as we will happily cull something down to multiple population levels that can’t then rebound or self sustain. The recent extinction rate in Australia is evidence of that as there has NEVER been a rate that high before humans appeared on the scene.

Horse is another for us in Australia also!!!!! We cull hundreds of Brumby in the Alpine National Parks simply because they have an impact on the pristine environment!!!!!

If it were my decision Id cull everyone of them. Contradiction on the face of it but horses are introduced and are in no danger of extinction.

I also agree completely with the comparison to beef!!!!! If its goin to be eaten then I’ve got no issues whatsoever!!!!!

While I’m not a gambling man myself, I’ll have a dollar on some of the shark cull protesters participatin in a few bob on the gee gee’s as well!!!!! They’ve got no issue with usin an animal for their own entertainment?????

No idea if thats true but its largely irrelevant to me. I am not an animals rights activist as you can see from my last statement (although I dont believe you should needlessly or cruely kill anything).  I just can see the negative impacts of a shark cull and also how it isn’t effective at all. Should I not have that opinion cause I went to the races once?

Yet we build Snow Resorts, Housing, Roads, use the land for recreational 4WDing, etc etc!!!!!

Humans leave the biggest scar on this planet out of all species!!!!!

And this Apex Predator flourishes!!!!!

I’ve never personally witnessed (or even heard of) thousands of protesters, rallyin to stop the slaughter of dugong & sea turtle?????

I don’t know that anyone in Australia goes out and kills seaturtles and dugongs for food or other than accidentally so its not exactly the same but there is a fairly big protest against the hunting of dugong and turtle under native title/indigenous exemptions going on at the moment, I saw a petition with 20k on it and pictures of small protests but Like I said I have a skewed view so its hard to be objective on that as most people probs don’t see it. I do agree that people will preferentially choose cute animals or charismatic animals over small not so cute things like ground parrots, Though the fact that people aren’t protesting about the imminent loss of the ground parrot doesn’t mean they dont have a valid point when protesting against the culling of endangered sharks- Humans are flawed but doing something is better than sitting back and doing nothing.

So anyways if you have instagram going and have a looks at the footage of the charismatic tiger shark that I put up wink @fish_thinkers

deanobruce - 03 February 2014 08:29 AM
CRACKERS - 02 February 2014 09:16 PM

Back to the other point, it annoys me when people get angry that horses are getting killed for meat but they would happily eat beef that is killed in exactly the same way. To me there is no difference.


There is no difference.

and horse is quite tasty wink

Mizu Kuma - 01 February 2014 04:46 PM
cords - 31 January 2014 04:24 AM

Super interesting on this topic if you’ve got 12 minutes!

I’d like to see him show 100% confidence in his invention, and go for a swim with a great white!!!!!

Id also suspect that the footage they showed is their ‘best footage’ and shows the most obvious examples of the desired effect. I reckon it wouldn’t have been that clear cut all the time. Still if I was in the water anyway and it decreased the risk by even 5%, id do it. Actually it would probably be even more effective if there was other targets in the water as the shark would probably decide not to investigate the risky option if there was ‘softer’ options nearby. Damm I am off to paint my wetsuit!


Best way to half your chances of being attacked - go in the water with another person.  smirk