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What’s the real reason for Skier hate on Snowboarding?????

Poll: What would Freud put it down to?????
Total Votes: 16
Skiers just can’t stand to see others havin fun!!!!!
Snowboarders just basically lack respect for Skiers!!!!!
It’s just a human trait that can be found in any parallel activity!!!!!
All of the above!!!!!
I’ve got my own theory!!!!!
Skiers just have small appendages and therefore have to focus on something else?????

So, there’s been a lot of online articles, threads of late that have brought back the Skier V’s Snowboarder Hate Relationship!!!!!

What’s your take on the subject, and will it ever change?????


Ego. That’s the word.

Elite sports like skiing, cycling, sailing attract the same people who think they are better than others and it’s just all a big ego and to say shit like “I ride powder in Europe every year” It’s just a ego pump for the cool kids.

Snowboarders also do this shit basically because they are offspring of the skiers. Majority of skiers at a young age who are good skiers are nice people and excellent to free ride with because of how they get check out what’s a head.

The hatred just continues because its rivalry like two football teams.


My theory is, I dont care what you ride.. if you can keep up with, and have fun with my friends and I.. I’m all for it!  one of our good mates is a skier.. and he comes down with us almost every trip.. he gave boarding a go.. but just prefers skiing..

Each, to their own, if you prefer one over another, for what ever reason.. that’s totally up to you..  (I prefer snowboarding, because, I injury myself less. Its easier on my knees, and I just absolutely love it.. 

At the end of the day, as long as you’re as stoked as I am about the snow.. I’m happy!


If you have a problem with it, then I have a problem with you. Thats my attitude.

Some of my good riding buddies are skiers. When I was in Whister I rode every day with my mate who skis. He can ski hard too! Was awesome riding with him cos he just got stoked.


I have my own theory, somewhat.

I think most of the skier vs snowboarder rivalry is healthy, similar to how friends have rivalries over different sports teams they support. This is natural and I have no problem with it. Michelle will say skiing is faster; I will tell her I can beat any of her ski instructor buddies down the hill. Whatever, nothing wrong with that. I am friends with skiers and I have no problem enjoying the mountain with them.

However, then there are other skiers, who have serious attitude problems, and they are in the vast minority. I am going to generalise and say this is the older crowd, or those who have been influenced by the older crowd. These skiers genuinely believe they are better than us in every way. These skiers have their heads way up their asses and try to keep snowboarders off the mountains, or think snowboarders are responsible for all the problems on the mountain, i.e., think skiers at Alta in Utah. This I have a problem with. These are the skiers I don’t associate with.

Besides for the above, I don’t have issues with skiers, and I don’t think have skiers have issues with me. Rivalry with friendship and respect is healthy. Poor attitudes and self-righteousness are not.


I refuse to acknowledge it exists.

There are dickheads who ski and hate on others but there is no hate from skiers.
It may be that snowboarders are creating the myth by pigeon holeing haters as skiers.

Of course there are narrow minded people that don’t understand snowboarding and are therefore afraid of if; for them there are resorts like Alta.

spaz - 10 February 2014 09:18 AM

Of course there are narrow minded people that don’t understand snowboarding and are therefore afraid of if; for them there are resorts like Alta.



It comes down to dickhead people, same as has been said about these bullshit lockout laws in the Cross.

Whether they drink/Ski or not, dickheads will be dickheads.


Do I dare say;

“Just like alcohol skiing can bring out the arshole in a person.”



Don’t missconstrued that statement, I’m not blaming skiing or alcohol.



What Rider said!

My borf is a gun skier, and he loves nothing better to hang shit on me. His skier friends too. But it’s all in good fun. Every boarder needs a token skier buddy to tow them around on the flats…. who’s a sucker now, eh? wink


Hahaha yep!! As I said before, we have our token skier.. And me being the only female (90% of the time) I usually get offered the first tow.. Or at least use of a pole to push myself along.. LOL  (skiers do come in useful!!)


I often find myself the token boarder and rarely have shit put on me, if they do I just out ride them.

Or putting shit on boarders is so mundane and common I don’t hear it anymore.


other reason - i was skiing (i do board haha) the other day and there was a crash on the slopes. i was with a few skiing oldies - they automatically assumed that it was a skiier and a snowboarder (but it was two skiiers). Basically one of them had been involved in an accident where a boarder ram into them completely blind cause the boarder was waiting on the side and didn’t look up to commence a turn. And I think they assume that when a boarder goes down a piste at high speeds we have no control. rider said as a generalisation it might be the older crowd but they kinda grew up hating on snowboarders.
I think there so much rivary because when a skiier and a boarder collide everyone makes a really big fuss compared to when a skiier and a skierr does it or a boarder and a boarder.


Best thing you can ever do is convince a skier to have a go at snowboarding. Even if they don’t like it, even if they give up after a bit, it really changes the way they look at a hill and also the traffic around them. Education.


Yep!! We put our token skier on one of Mr.h0zs old boards.. For a few days.. He was like omg.. How do you guys do this?? You can only see half the mountain..  And he was really sore after a few days.. He loved the boots.. And said he didn’t mind boarding, he is just so much better at skiing and would rather so his tricks and follow us all over the mountain.. (and out do us on jumps, lol)

h0z - 12 February 2014 05:58 PM

Yep!! We put our token skier on one of Mr.h0zs old boards.. For a few days.. He was like omg.. How do you guys do this?? You can only see half the mountain..  And he was really sore after a few days.. He loved the boots.. And said he didn’t mind boarding, he is just so much better at skiing and would rather so his tricks and follow us all over the mountain.. (and out do us on jumps, lol)

this ^^^^^