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Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics - Official Chat Thread

rider26 - 12 February 2014 05:43 AM

Time for Shaun to move on and do something positive for snowboarding.

Don’t hold your breath.


Just watched Shaun’s interview. Looks like he has no plans to stop competing. He plans on being at the next Olympics. I can only hope his attitude changes in the next four years.

h0z - 11 February 2014 10:06 PM

I’m annoyed at the filming!! Zoom out a tad, and keep the border in the frame.. I get they move fast.. But this is an international event.. You have to expect better then that!! Its happened a few times now!!

There are skilled pro’s with experience that can keep a rider in frame at speed with tight framing. It’s just these days they only employ camera operators with paper degrees in broadcasting and high budget film reels.

Networks don’t understand what good photographers are. Instead of hiring those who can shoot well they employ people with technical broadcast knowledge.

I could go on for days…
It’s called “shooting” for a reason. You don’t need to know how a gun is built to fire it accurately. Shooting video is no different.

The idiots are probably trying to shoot while wearing gloves.


And about the coverage;
I woke up at 5:30am and for the last 1.5hrs it’s repeat after repeat of the women’s slope WTF!

I fell asleep waiting for HP to start (bored watching the slopestyle) and all I’ve seen today is one 2min highlight of the halfpipe (talk about spoiler alert). Ski slope style is pathetic (and I love skiing), they aren’t even very technical off the jumps.

Anna came 4th, didn’t win a medal so why is this event still being repeated repeated repeated repeated?
Oh, here we go again 7:10am and I’m watching the 6th repeat of Anna’s run today.


OMG HalfPipe repeat is on!!



I’ve been on the Ayumu train since last years Arctic Challenge win…he really showed then that he had what it takes and seems to have a good attitude. I think he hangs out with Kazu a lot so that definitely would help!...and I was desperately hoping it would be him who took out Shaun.

Can’t wait for this years Arctic Challenge…it sounds like Terje has got something exciting and innovative ready.


I woke up for work just in time to see SW get 4th. Looking forward to watching the rest I recorded. Will Shaun step up and make a stand, i doubt it too but if he did it would be a pleasant surprise.
I loved the pipe flashback they had on earlier yesterday aswell, the 98 nagano games. The pipe looked like it was cut with shovels!


Oh and that 15 year old Japanese lad, BIG future for the little man! Hope he doesnt get burnt out though


Broken Jaw. Ouch!


Yeah saw that broken jaw crash, poor girl.




Not good. Lucky though, could have been worse. I hope she has a full and speedy recovery.


She shouldn’t have gone for that jump.. She didn’t have the speed.. Even the commentators were saying through out the runs that if you don’t have the speed of dont land the feature before it properly and it effects your run in, your better to miss it than get injured..

and the course was all over the place..  it was good, then it turned to slush and slowed everyone down..

i just hope she recovers fast! Because it looked soooo painful!


I was very disappointed to see the two Japanese kids barely show any excitement at all when it was definite they’d won their medals - not even shared excitement with each other, and they’re on the same team! An uncomfortably muted grin appeared to be as good as it got. It was clear iPod wanted to get some kind of traditionally snowboarderesque celebration going, but they weren’t having any part of it! WTF?!



“You know it’s good for snowboarding, man. The world knows now that there are other snowboarders besides Shaun. It’s great, man, because there are a bunch of good riders in our sport and they deserve some credit, too.”

- Danny Davis telling it like it is on the Sochi pipe results.