The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


Tooheys new
Whats the most amount of beer you have had?


a case of new…shittest feelin

tall or short??



Work less and play more or suck it up for a few years at college/university and have the money to afford playing the way you really want to.


twice a day…in the morning after brekky
and just before bed.

If you could eat out at any restaurant for free, where would you pick?


2 times a day, night and morning, but i probabliy should floss but oh well. vampire

have you ever been caught drink driving?


subaru forester

queen or meat loaf??



Mac or PC?


PC for sure…

4ft empty super clean surf or fresh 30cm first lifts? (I don’t even know the answer to that one!)


no lawn = no mowing. +1 for townhouses. haha….although I wouldn’t mind a lawn & mowing it to be honest!
I do 95% of the vacuuming…but I don’t work fulltime so I don’t mind…actually I probably should do that today….hmm…or maybe I’ll just play halo. lol

Pro snowboarder you’d most like to go for a shred & then a beer with?


Dave Downing. I met him once, super cool guy. I’d like to hang with him again and ride this time.

email or send a text?


Text is so much quicker…...

Do you think man will ever land on the moon again???


My summer riding has been pretty awesome, and I’m stoked to be going there so much lately.
I think I’m stepping up a little, there is still many goals I have for that dry slope before the season really starts here in the US.

read an article in a magazine or read an article on a website?


I still prefer print but spend a lot of time online these days.

favourite city you’ve traveled to that doesn’t have snow?



Who is your favourite artist?


Jesse Burtner, very creative movies.
Free ridin hit runs or parks laps?