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Nuts or no nuts?


I agree with air180! What happens on the weekend at a friends house? Or at a park, or another kids party? You can’t control every situation, so the best thing is to focus on the constant in every situation, (the peanut allergy) and teach the child about it and about awareness..  And how to avoid a reaction,  (intact there was a trial/study on tv not so long ago, and they were building up immunity but dosing people with the allergy, with small amounts of peanuts, and after they were successfully able to eat one peanut with out any reaction.. (sure its only one… But accidentally take a bite of a meal with nuts in it? Well your not going to react anywhere near as severely as before, if at all)


Well said h0z. I would much rather educate my child on how to manage their allergy than rely on others not to have nuts around them.


The number of students we have that are anaphylactic is in double digits.
We do not have a nut free policy, but are a nut aware school. We have a lot of procedures to manage the safety of these students. Every staff member is also trained in anaphylaxis, proper identification and management of an incident, including delivering epipens.

I think a total ban is crazy. Its all about setting up awareness and managing those students properly

air180 - 06 February 2014 02:35 PM

Well said h0z. I would much rather educate my child on how to manage their allergy than rely on others not to have nuts around them.

Exactly, because no one gets through life without getting nuts on their face at least once

DylanV - 06 February 2014 04:33 PM

Exactly, because no one gets through life without getting nuts on their face at least once

Quoted For Truth.


I have always chosen to use the ones that are brand names!!!!!

Like Liptons, Twinnings etc!!!!!



Mizu Kuma - 06 February 2014 04:48 PM

I have always chosen to use the ones that are brand names!!!!!

Like Liptons, Twinnings etc!!!!!


I see what you did there


Mmm, agree.
But I took Wildman to one of his mate’s funeral a year or so back. 16 year old who died from nut allergy. His Dad gave him the biscuit that caused his ultimate death. Have to say that’s an experience neither of us want to repeat. That kid had asthma, allergies and everything, he visited here a few times and I was totally paranoid, but he was the most gorgeous, lovely kids ever. The good die young. (Darwin or not).
Last year a kid in Munga’s year died… asthma or allergy induced, haven’t heard the final word there. Died in mum’s car outside hospital because she (nurse there) knew the ambulance would be too slow.

I suppose we are lucky our kids don’t have this issue. easy to say educate your kid to deal with their problem. I know how hard it is to educate the kids not to catch headline, and they don’t even come close to killing you. ( Bane of my life!!! just don’t get your heads that close!!!!)

I don’t know the answer. But in our lunchbox, no nuts.


There is currently a study going on in Europe that I read about a few weeks ago where they are testing wheather people with allergies, mostly severe cases, can build up tolerances, it seemed to be going well. I’ll try and find the article


Hey!!! I’m allergic to bee’s, I think we should kill all Bee’s !!!

Foolproof plan rolleyes


No.. I like honey!!

just genetically modify them to have no stingers!! smile


Never fear H0z - i think he was only talking about banning em from the school yard wink


Hahahaha put little collars on them all and set up a boundary, like they have for dogs??

h0z - 07 February 2014 12:16 AM

Hahahaha put little collars on them all and set up a boundary, like they have for dogs??

funny you say that….

Uni of Tas is doing a study right now where they are actually “putting collars” on bees. Actually they are putting small GPS trackers embedded in tags on bees and they will be able to capture all sorts of info from it. The tags are about 3mm. The plan is once they can do this they will work on tagging mozzies and fruit flies.

I heard about that study, Dylan, sounds pretty interesting. I’d also be interested to see any link between Autism spectrum and nut allergy. Not saying there is actually one, just something I see in anecdotal evidence.