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~ Alcohol & the Coward Punch ~

Poll: Has alcohol got anythin to do with the Coward Punch?????
Total Votes: 18
A bit of both, so I’ll explain!!!!!
spaz - 01 February 2014 09:46 AM
Mizu Kuma - 30 January 2014 12:51 PM

I think it comes down to a lack of respect, and no fear of repercussions?????

There’s a lot of people that have simply got no respect for themselves, let alone others, and unfortunately a great deal of this stems from their upbringing and family/home situation!!!!!

Not all the time, but generally arseholes breed arseholes!!!!!

Along with civil libertarian knobs that put individual rights above that of society!!!!! Breeds a lack of simple respect for fellow members of society!!!!!

This is the worst: “lack of respect”. Very few intox people have any respect, their only care is to put more alcohol in their system. Alcohol is a fuel. Depending on what desire an individual harbours alcohol “fuel” that particular “fire”.

If you’re in a good mood it will increase as much as a bad/sad/angry mood. It also causes mood swings. But mostly alcohol reduces the ability to act in a respectful manner.

It is bar far the biggest social menace in western society.

Maybe you need to go to Japan and witness their total control of respect while intoxicated?????

Another naive example of how alcohol isn’t to blame!!!!!


We are talking about Australia not japan - Do australians act respectfully in Japan? (yourself excluded of course).

deanobruce - 01 February 2014 10:24 AM
spaz - 28 January 2014 11:25 PM

It’s safe to say OLGA has told my boss to have me on duty after 12am, I deal directly with the police when incidents occur and directly with the people involved while events happen.

Did they actually say this or are you assuming? What about when you are down the snow etc.

Do you get trouble from the Woonoona boys at Gringos?
I know they banned anyone with the Woonoona postcode on their licences at the Palm Court.


Very pertinent question?
Undercover follow the Woonona boys when they venture out. OLGA’s judgment about me occurred when 2517 boys visited our establishment the same night the local league club
were celebrating a win. It also was a night the boss was out of the country and I was left in charge.
One of the undercover cops is the head of the whole region - the suggestion comes direct from his observation of how I handled Woonona Boys facing of a rugby team in the middle of the club.

spaz - 02 February 2014 07:17 AM

We are talking about Australia not japan - Do australians act respectfully in Japan? (yourself excluded of course).

No, we’re talkin about whether alcohol is to blame!!!!!

I’ve seen lots of Aussies that drink in Japan, and it’s pretty much the same as here!!!!! There’s definitely an idiot element, but like here this isn’t the general rule!!!!!

It’s just the dickheads that lack respect for others!!!!!


Because my friends would have told me.. (more given me a hard time about it..  (it was about 9/10 drinks over 4-5 hours.. With food))

and I’m generally a fairly happy person (even when drunk) I get some people can’t mix drinks or even drink larger amounts with out it shortening their fuse or triggering them.. But you can’t solely blame alcohol.. If they know they get violent or abusive.. And still CHOOSE to drink then I am sorry but it still ultimately their own fault..  (same for drugs.. Or anything for that matter)

take my mate who tried to kill himself.. He got drunk, got angry and took it out on himself… He has had maybe 3-4 beers in the month since.. 3 of them last night for a mates bday, he identified he had a problem and adjusted to it.. (I know its not always that easy, and there can be other circumstances)  I guess what I’m trying to say is the people who go out, drink them self stupid, then get aggressive and punch some one, and blame the alcohol.. “it wasn’t my fault.. I was drunk”  I’m sorry but in my book that doesn’t just cut it as a good enough excuse.. Your actions are potentially ending a life and effecting others lives along with it!

bnd I totally get where you are coming from.. And I was using my self as an example.. I know not everyone is the same or effected the same,  and I’ve seen what alcohol can do.. (my grandpa used to get drunk and beat my grandma, when my dad stepped in, he got beat up too.. (he was 16-17 at the time. ) after a few months, and nan not leaving him, my dad had had enough and moved out, which luckily prompted my nan to do the same.. There was always a massive tension between dad and his dad.. And you could tell.. It wasn’t untill I was about 19-20 till mum and dad told me.. And it made sense how dad acted towards him, he always used to tell dad “oh its because I was drunk” well dont get drunk and that solves your supposed problem?) my dad when I was little (I dont remember this) apparently also got drunk and trashed the house in an anger fit one day.. Ever since then my dad would rarely (say 6-7 times a year have a stout or a glass of red.. Mainly special occasions.. I had only ever seen him drunk once, ) because he knew he would get angry.. So he didn’t do it…..

beachndogs - 30 January 2014 01:11 PM

This is generally why I dont get into debates about alcohol and its impact on society. The aussies drinking culture is so ingrained and inevitably everyone will come at you with the ‘well me and my mates drinks heaps and we’re never violent, so its not really a problem’ mentality.

But it is. I lost count of the number of cause of death certficiates that came across my desk that listed alcohol intoxication as a contributing factor to the death. I am still doing consulting work with qld mortuaries and nothing has changed. That’s not to say that drugs are not fast becoming one of the most prevalent issues, but to say alcohol is not a problem is naive.  We only see the high profile cases hit the news, never hearing about the daily barrage of assualts and deaths that have alcohol recognised as a significant contributing factor.

And I dont disagree about the dickhead issue. Aggressive assholes are aggressive, but alcohol is clinically proven to lower your inhibitons which often helps facilitate aggresive behaviour.  And in how many cases do you here about a sober offender?  I have never once claimed acohol is the cause of violence, but I certainly contend that if the vast majority of these dickheads werent intoxicated, they wouldn’t have the balls to be acting out violently.

And heres the thing, we can make legislation around alcohol usuage but you cant legislate dickhead beahviour, so how do you fix it without adressing our drinking culture? I keep hearing about how these new sydney laws wont work blah blah blah, but I have not heard one alternative solution raised. Quite frankly I couldnt give a fk about about saving sydneys drinking scene if you cant come at me with atleast one or two alternative suggestions aimed at addressing the problem.

Make sense to me.


I don’t blame alcohol, I blame people.

My old man wasn’t violent or abusive when drunk or sober. He was easier to be around when drunk while I grew up - Basically dad chose alcohol over his family and when I was 14 I financed my mother, sister and I to move away and supported us for the first 2 years.

Alcohol has far worse problems than just allowing violent behavior to stem from violent people.

Like most drugs; alcohol has a time and place and needs to be treated with respect.

People don’t respect alcohol so people are to blame.

spaz - 03 February 2014 08:13 PM

I don’t blame alcohol, I blame people.

My old man wasn’t violent or abusive when drunk or sober. He was easier to be around when drunk while I grew up - Basically dad chose alcohol over his family and when I was 14 I financed my mother, sister and I to move away and supported us for the first 2 years.

Alcohol has far worse problems than just allowing violent behavior to stem from violent people.

Like most drugs; alcohol has a time and place and needs to be treated with respect.

People don’t respect alcohol so people are to blame.

Couldn’t have said it better!! This is so spot on Spaz!