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~ Alcohol & the Coward Punch ~

Poll: Has alcohol got anythin to do with the Coward Punch?????
Total Votes: 18
A bit of both, so I’ll explain!!!!!

I think that things like Responsible Service of Alcohol Laws, just takes the onus away from the person that it should solely be with!!!!!

Why should someone else pay the penalty for another’s dickhead behaviour?????

If I fark up, I don’t go lookin for someone else to blame, and probably why I have a bit of a think about things before I do them!!!!! (I’ll happily admit as a kid I didn’t have that logical thought pattern, but I soon learnt after bein told a couple of times) 

These days kids at school get taught that they have more rights than the Teacher????? Not a good platform to start learnin life’s rules from!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 30 January 2014 05:05 PM

These days kids at school get taught that they have more rights than the Teacher????? Not a good platform to start learnin life’s rules from!!!!!

Fuck dont get me started on that shit


No way I could be a Teacher!!!!!

I’d be in front of the Principle more times than when I was a Student!!!!! LOL


Haha same, i could never do a customer service role…


Yep, there’s some wankers out there in public land!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 30 January 2014 07:26 PM

Yep, there’s some wankers out there in public land!!!!!

Hence why i stick to commercial install and stay away from anything domestic or sevice related!



so check this. what’s the reaction from kids to this do you think?
I predict, a “yeah right, as if that would happen”
and barely a moment of horror to the violence within.

“Stay in school, kids — or you’ll end up in a horrifying situation.

The Learn for Life Foundation of Western Australia, which has a sketchily barren website, found a disturbing way to push the message of education. Filmmakers and comedians Henry Inglis and Aaron McCann created a PSA titled “Set Yourself Free.” “


OMG bahahaha! Was not expecting that!




Hahahaha that is awesome LOL


Thanks for your contribution to this thread BnD.
It’s good to see someone else with experience in this field posting.

I can’t believe some of the naive remarks that have been made.

Tambo - 31 January 2014 07:11 AM

so check this. what’s the reaction from kids to this do you think?
I predict, a “yeah right, as if that would happen”
and barely a moment of horror to the violence within.

“Stay in school, kids — or you’ll end up in a horrifying situation.

The Learn for Life Foundation of Western Australia, which has a sketchily barren website, found a disturbing way to push the message of education. Filmmakers and comedians Henry Inglis and Aaron McCann created a PSA titled “Set Yourself Free.” “

Yet the only argument I hear from teachers and parents (also from those that left school early or where home schooled) to stay in school is for social reasons or it’s the easiest alternative.
Education can be achieved away from a school environment.

h0z - 30 January 2014 12:41 PM

Deano, your are spot on!! Alcohol, drugs or not if you are aggressive and want to start shit, you will… Sure alcohol and drugs dont help.. But they aren’t the actual cause! I have had nights where I haven’t had the same drink twice (I’m talking, vodka mixer, cider, beer, jd, gin, fruit cocktails, a bit more of a different beer, champagne, and white wine) and I’ve never be violent..  (only time I’ve ever been violet is to break up a fight between mr.h0z and his brother, where I ended up ripping them off each other and tearing mr.h0z shirt in the process.. I pretty much just snapped into rage h0z.. They both were like wtf after because I’m usually so laid back..)  I think the main problem is peoples attitude and group mentalities..

If you drank that much how would you know if you abused someone? - it’s not just about physical assault. Verbal abuse is abuse - 99% of the time it is how physical abuse begins.

Mizu Kuma - 30 January 2014 12:51 PM

I think it comes down to a lack of respect, and no fear of repercussions?????

There’s a lot of people that have simply got no respect for themselves, let alone others, and unfortunately a great deal of this stems from their upbringing and family/home situation!!!!!

Not all the time, but generally arseholes breed arseholes!!!!!

Along with civil libertarian knobs that put individual rights above that of society!!!!! Breeds a lack of simple respect for fellow members of society!!!!!

This is the worst: “lack of respect”. Very few intox people have any respect, their only care is to put more alcohol in their system. Alcohol is a fuel. Depending on what desire an individual harbours alcohol “fuel” that particular “fire”.

If you’re in a good mood it will increase as much as a bad/sad/angry mood. It also causes mood swings. But mostly alcohol reduces the ability to act in a respectful manner.

It is bar far the biggest social menace in western society.

spaz - 28 January 2014 11:25 PM

It’s safe to say OLGA has told my boss to have me on duty after 12am, I deal directly with the police when incidents occur and directly with the people involved while events happen.

Did they actually say this or are you assuming? What about when you are down the snow etc.

Do you get trouble from the Woonoona boys at Gringos?
I know they banned anyone with the Woonoona postcode on their licences at the Palm Court.