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~ Alcohol & the Coward Punch ~

Poll: Has alcohol got anythin to do with the Coward Punch?????
Total Votes: 18
A bit of both, so I’ll explain!!!!!

Alcohol Consumption in Australia

Considered overall, Australians drink a large volume of alcohol and drink it frequently. In 2007 the per capita consumption of alcohol for Australians over 15 years was nearly 10 litres1. This is high by world standards. 90% Australians over 14 in 2007 had consumed alcohol in their lifetime (an estimated 14.2 million people), 40% drank alcohol weekly, and 8% drank daily2.  While many young Australians drink frequently3,  the highest proportion of daily drinkers in 2007 were those over 60 years old4.  The proportion of Australians over 14 years of age who had never consumed alcohol increased by a small degree between 2004 and 2007, and the proportion who drank daily declined by a small degree in that period.

By those stats above, we should be a pretty violent nation if alcohol was to blame!!!!!

And old age pensioners would be War Lords!!!!!

Maybe Campbell Newman’s Bikie Laws really were to target the gathering of the Noosa Knitting club?????


I cant be f*cked typing up the response i have posted elsewhere and now cant find but;

Having spent more time in the cross then probably most of the people on here combined and having witnessed a fair amount of incidents over the years i like to think i have a fair idea of what has been happening.

Alcohol related assaults have been on a downward trend for a few years, the studies are out there in plain sight but people choose to ignore them. The majority of fights i have witnessed are started by groups of wannbe gangster wogs that arent even going out/drunk. They are simply coming into the city to start shit. These guys are clearly wired on crack and it takes a few cops to get them down. Not all fights are like this but the vast majority are i can tell you that.

These new laws are retarded beyond belief (the lockout/alcohol cut off) and wont do anything but make things worse (What club will stay open past 3 when they cant make money, hence dumping everyone on the street at the taxi changeover time and first trains a few hours away…smart idea. But thats for another thread)

Coke also has an affect, get hero’s taking it and their ego becomes huge.

And the worse thing to come out of MDMA is an outbreak of a mass hug fest and “I love you bro!” Ever heard of any assualts happening at Spice?(24hr licenced club my friends DJ at, its known for being a place you go when you ahve heaps of drugs and dont want to go home for a few days) Thats because there isnt any.

Alcohol doesnt cause fights, dickheads cause fights.


I Agree with this

deanobruce - 29 January 2014 09:30 PM

Alcohol doesnt cause fights, dickheads cause fights.



Lockout laws are designed to stop intox and violent people going from one club to another.
The law hasn’t changed - just it’s implementation more effectively.
Why should anyone that’s been asked to leave one place for bad behaviour be allowed in another place?

Some wealthy clubs (like Catholic Clubs) use automated ID scanners that communicate to other clubs so they are aware of individuals who have been asked to leave. These machines will be used in all of Kings Cross. If a person is asked to leave any business there it means they have to leave Kings Cross entirely.

I wish we had them in the Gongs Nth.
Most people I’ve had to physically remove return the next week to apologize for acting like a dick and regret their drunken actions.
We rely on clientele after the pubs close, having a linked system like they use in the cross would make nights we operate more enjoyable for everyone. They should be in every bar.

We protect people the most from themselves.
Alcohol in it’s nature doesn’t allow for self control, many people can’t limit their intake until they’ve had too much. It causes many more problems than antisocial behavior.

I wish more people were like Mizu and refused to associate with people who act like a dick.
Almost everyone encourages drinking alcohol and celebrate bad behaviour.

Spend a night sober in a bar and you’ll see how embarrassing people act.
Try cleaning a bar - alcohol affected people a pigs.

spaz - 30 January 2014 05:10 AM

Lockout laws are designed to stop intox and violent people going from one club to another.
The law hasn’t changed - just it’s implementation more effectively.
Why should anyone that’s been asked to leave one place for bad behaviour be allowed in another place?

And what is this going to do to stop intox and violent people going from one club to another at an earlier time?


Deano, your are spot on!! Alcohol, drugs or not if you are aggressive and want to start shit, you will… Sure alcohol and drugs dont help.. But they aren’t the actual cause! I have had nights where I haven’t had the same drink twice (I’m talking, vodka mixer, cider, beer, jd, gin, fruit cocktails, a bit more of a different beer, champagne, and white wine) and I’ve never be violent..  (only time I’ve ever been violet is to break up a fight between mr.h0z and his brother, where I ended up ripping them off each other and tearing mr.h0z shirt in the process.. I pretty much just snapped into rage h0z.. They both were like wtf after because I’m usually so laid back..)  I think the main problem is peoples attitude and group mentalities..


I think it comes down to a lack of respect, and no fear of repercussions?????

There’s a lot of people that have simply got no respect for themselves, let alone others, and unfortunately a great deal of this stems from their upbringing and family/home situation!!!!!

Not all the time, but generally arseholes breed arseholes!!!!!

Along with civil libertarian knobs that put individual rights above that of society!!!!! Breeds a lack of simple respect for fellow members of society!!!!!


This is generally why I dont get into debates about alcohol and its impact on society. The aussies drinking culture is so ingrained and inevitably everyone will come at you with the ‘well me and my mates drinks heaps and we’re never violent, so its not really a problem’ mentality.

But it is. I lost count of the number of cause of death certficiates that came across my desk that listed alcohol intoxication as a contributing factor to the death. I am still doing consulting work with qld mortuaries and nothing has changed. That’s not to say that drugs are not fast becoming one of the most prevalent issues, but to say alcohol is not a problem is naive.  We only see the high profile cases hit the news, never hearing about the daily barrage of assualts and deaths that have alcohol recognised as a significant contributing factor.

And I dont disagree about the dickhead issue. Aggressive assholes are aggressive, but alcohol is clinically proven to lower your inhibitons which often helps facilitate aggresive behaviour.  And in how many cases do you here about a sober offender?  I have never once claimed acohol is the cause of violence, but I certainly contend that if the vast majority of these dickheads werent intoxicated, they wouldn’t have the balls to be acting out violently.

And heres the thing, we can make legislation around alcohol usuage but you cant legislate dickhead beahviour, so how do you fix it without adressing our drinking culture? I keep hearing about how these new sydney laws wont work blah blah blah, but I have not heard one alternative solution raised. Quite frankly I couldnt give a fk about about saving sydneys drinking scene if you cant come at me with atleast one or two alternative suggestions aimed at addressing the problem.

beachndogs - 30 January 2014 01:11 PM

I keep hearing about how these new sydney laws wont work blah blah blah,

It worked in Manly!


Thats the thing,

These laws have been designed by f*cking dinosaurs who haven’t stepped foot inside The Cross since ACDC where relevant, and the people who run events/club nights etc. and are there every weekend haven’t been consulted about what to do to combat assaults which aren’t as widespread as those retarded fear mongering shows like ACA/Today Tonight will have you believe. Even Campbell Newman said when pressed on the issue that the old people drawing up these laws need to consult people who actually spend time there to work out a viable solution. The government has consistently ignored that stats that assaults have been declining (Peaked at 71,303 in 2008 down to 64,845 in 2012, NSW stats) and have said that the results are skewed etc. and its on the rise.

There have been some alternatives raised, but wider consultation with the relevant parties affected is needed. I don’t have the answers but these stupid knee jerk, band aid solutions aren’t the way to go.

ozgirl - 30 January 2014 01:41 PM
beachndogs - 30 January 2014 01:11 PM

I keep hearing about how these new sydney laws wont work blah blah blah,

It worked in Manly!

You cant tar every city with the same brush. What works in one area (Manly) may not work in a larger CDB.
Lockouts lasted a few months in Melbourne before they were canned as they did nothing.

Oh and they worked in Newcastle as well.
Assaults in the CBD dropped tremendously…as did the patronage. And assaults in the outer suburbs rose. What does that tell you? Just moving the problem around instead of solving it.

beachndogs - 30 January 2014 01:11 PM

, but I certainly contend that if the vast majority of these dickheads werent intoxicated, they wouldn’t have the balls to be acting out violently.

Having grown up playing footy and hanging out with meathead footy players and other associated dickheads from bad areas i can say that some may not sure, But alot of them alcohol isnt a factor. Hell i used ot know guys who would go out and stay sober just so they could fight better.

I stopped hanging out with people like that a long time ago when i realised they would most likely drag me into their shit.


deanobruce - 30 January 2014 01:43 PM

Thats the thing,

These laws have been designed by f*cking dinosaurs who haven’t stepped foot inside The Cross since ACDC where relevant, and the people who run events/club nights etc. and are there every weekend haven’t been consulted about what to do to combat assaults which aren’t as widespread as those retarded fear mongering shows like ACA/Today Tonight will have you believe. Even Campbell Newman said when pressed on the issue that the old people drawing up these laws need to consult people who actually spend time there to work out a viable solution. The government has consistently ignored that stats that assaults have been declining (Peaked at 71,303 in 2008 down to 64,845 in 2012, NSW stats) and have said that the results are skewed etc. and its on the rise.

There have been some alternatives raised, but wider consultation with the relevant parties affected is needed. I don’t have the answers but these stupid knee jerk, band aid solutions aren’t the way to go.

Yeah, you lost me a ACDC not being relevant anymore.. wink
But you do make a lot of valid points fo sure


Lock out wont help. Im from Melb, and all it did was cause more trouble out the front of clubs/bars.

I think what needs to be looked at (aside from the bigger picture that Aus has a big drinking problem) is the RESPONSIBLE service of alcohol.

There is big fines and penalties for breaching their licences. ITs on those signs at every bar. But how is this monitored by the authorities? So many bars would lose money if they served accordingly to the rules and regulations they legally should be.
I can be para drunk, not even standing, and still get served a drink at most bars. Pretty ridiculous really

K2_TeacherBoy - 30 January 2014 02:49 PM

Lock out wont help. Im from Melb, and all it did was cause more trouble out the front of clubs/bars.

I think what needs to be looked at (aside from the bigger picture that Aus has a big drinking problem) is the RESPONSIBLE service of alcohol.

There is big fines and penalties for breaching their licences. ITs on those signs at every bar. But how is this monitored by the authorities? So many bars would lose money if they served accordingly to the rules and regulations they legally should be.
I can be para drunk, not even standing, and still get served a drink at most bars. Pretty ridiculous really

I was at the new Little Creatures Brewery in Geelong, Victoria the other week. Lovely venue and really good staff. We were drinking a few drinks and the staff were super professional at getting us to drink water and even bringing us some food to share free of charge. In clubs its hard to police the consumption due to the speed of the drinks you have to get out. Even working in bottle shops it’s hard to say no because your not really protected psychically, including your job.

It’s a cultural problem here in Oz due to using how many drinks you consume is how big your penis is. When you have a lot of rules it doesn’t work for people either they just find ways to de-bunk the system.