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~ Alcohol & the Coward Punch ~

Poll: Has alcohol got anythin to do with the Coward Punch?????
Total Votes: 18
A bit of both, so I’ll explain!!!!!
K2_TeacherBoy - 29 January 2014 02:51 PM

and alcohol a lot more than weed.


Unless they’re having Snow Cones!!!!!

deanobruce - 29 January 2014 02:43 PM

Crystal Meth has a metric shitload more to do with violence than booze.

hardly. meth has certainly caught up with alcohol in recent years as one of the predominant features in street violence but if wanna look at significant contributing factors to all round violence, than alcohol has got this. It features heavily in things like domestic violence,  youth crime and club violence.

But its legal, and the government taxes the shit out of it which makes them a fkload of cash so how can they really address the issue properly.  It’s naive to think otherwise


Is it alcohol that cause these problems, or is alcohol just prevalent in the type of people/households that are involved in those occurrences?????


Alcohol causes these problems. There has been numerous research that prove it so.
In general talk it shortens a persons fuse and allows them to hold onto a single emotion.

Weed results in very little violence - it’s people that go schizophrenic from it’s use that are violent. High THC% weed (skunk, hydro etc.) result in schizophrenia and depression.
THC is the psychoactive part - CDB is the antidepressant (cannabidiol).
Naturally grown varieties are 50/50 and the CDB cancels the psychoactive affects very harmoniously (psychiatrists can’t figure the medical reasoning) I guess it has more to do with a naturally occurring balance. 

I would say the biggest problem is a cocktail of alcohol and drugs. Pot smokers know all to well not to smoke after drinking.
Even just mixing drinks throughout a night can create violent outbursts.
eg: the night was going great until we started doing shots.

Some bars even refuse to serve shots.


So why don’t I have any of these issues, cause I consume a fair amount of grog?????


Because you stick to pretty much one or two types of liquor, you don’t binge drink, you don’t mix amphetamine into equation.
I assume  smile


Some young adults will wash any pill down their gullet without questioning what it is. Then drink 6 or so different types of liquor.


It was said that Alcohol was the problem!!!!!

I consume alcohol on a regular basis, and in all forms of it!!!!!

Yet I don’t get into fights, I don’t drive my car when under the influence, and I’ve never laid a hand on anyone both in my family nor my circle of friends either under the influence or not!!!!!

So the alcohol is to blame scenario, doesn’t hold any weight in my eyes!!!!!

* Ohhh, and I don’t do any drugs!!!!! I’m silly enough without them!!!!!


Actually, when I think about it, I know a lot of people that consume quite a bit of alcohol ( and drugs) and also do it in a binge patterns, along with regular consumption patterns as well!!!!!

Yet I’m pretty sure that none of them have displayed any of the traits that have been mentioned here!!!!!

Otherwise they wouldn’t be mates of mine!!!!!


Not everyone is violent when drinking.  rolleyes

It only takes one person in a club to break the balance from having a good time to abusive.
I monitor situations and body language and make sure it dosn’t occur.

I couldn’t count on one hand: acts of violence or abuse from sober people. That I’ve seen in the last 10 years.
But from intox; I would need to remove my shoes. For this year alone.

Once violence occurs people get involved - they may be trying to help, then the boyfriend trys to protect the girl helping and gets knocked over (usually trips over his own feet), then the mate wants to DEFEND his mate, then the bouncer has to legally not allow them stay on premises so everyone attacks/abuses the bouncer.
Everything gets caught on tape and documented by security/managment and assessed by the police FROM EVERY NIGHT OF TRADING!!!

I’ve often been abused as a waiter, friend, photographer. So many of them had no idea they were being abusive.
Alcohol also lowers your ability to detect abuse, whether from you or others.

Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 05:30 PM

I’ve never laid a hand on anyone both in my family nor my circle of friends either under the influence or not!!!!!

You did give me a spanking that one time after a few drinks wink  kiss


Was that affection or abuse? smile

spaz - 29 January 2014 06:12 PM

Not everyone is violent when drinking.  rolleyes

So how is alcohol to blame then?????

Azz - 29 January 2014 06:36 PM
Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 05:30 PM

I’ve never laid a hand on anyone both in my family nor my circle of friends either under the influence or not!!!!!

You did give me a spanking that one time after a few drinks wink  kiss

Yeah, but I was high on Angel Dust at the time!!!!!

And the guy on the handy cam was tellin me to do it!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 29 January 2014 07:44 PM
spaz - 29 January 2014 06:12 PM

Not everyone is violent when drinking.  rolleyes

So how is alcohol to blame then?????

I’ve already made my point in previous posts.