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What does Australia Day mean to you? The unofficial thread!

Poll: What does January 26 mean to you?
Total Votes: 17
Just another public holiday
A day off work
It’s about the monarchy
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Invasion Day!
Who cares
Something else (read my post)
Mizu Kuma - 24 January 2014 07:48 PM

It happened over 200 years ago!!!!! It’s time to let it go?????

If only the pain and suffering inflicted on the aboriginals finished with invasion day!

200 years ago? Tell that to the stolen generations which only finished in 1969.
200 years ago? Wasn’t til 1967 our indigenous people all finally got the right to vote. But prior to that they were human enough to be allowed to fight and die in our wars but not human enough to be allowed to vote.

We are talking living memory here. Not for me personally, but for plenty of people.
Always easy for the majority who are sitting pretty and NOT on the receiving end of the maltreatment to insist the other party ‘get over it’. Bit rich, I reckon.


Out of curiosity, does anyone here who has a problem with Australia Day done anything to try change it? If you have a problem with something and don’t like it, change it (well try at least, and i’m not talking about putting a post on a snowboarding forum).

If not shut up, enjoy your day off and have a BBQ/drinks like the rest of us who embrace it.

My plans consist of, hanging at the Virgin Lounge at Syd Airport this morning until my girl finishes work, then flying to Melbourne for a weekend of drinking and catching up with mates (What you up to Brad?) with AUS Day being spent down Torquay. Bring it!

Azz - 23 January 2014 09:16 PM

Ohhh me likey!

cords - 25 January 2014 02:59 AM
Mizu Kuma - 24 January 2014 07:48 PM

It happened over 200 years ago!!!!! It’s time to let it go?????

If only the pain and suffering inflicted on the aboriginals finished with invasion day!

200 years ago? Tell that to the stolen generations which only finished in 1969.
200 years ago? Wasn’t til 1967 our indigenous people all finally got the right to vote. But prior to that they were human enough to be allowed to fight and die in our wars but not human enough to be allowed to vote.

We are talking living memory here. Not for me personally, but for plenty of people.
Always easy for the majority who are sitting pretty and NOT on the receiving end of the maltreatment to insist the other party ‘get over it’. Bit rich, I reckon.

What has Australia Day got to do with the Stolen Generations or The Vote?????

Maybe all of us that are without Aboriginal Heritage should just pack our bags now, and return to whence we came!!!!!


Dont go saying that! We will be branded racists!


Dont go saying that, we will be branded racists!


I actually think Mizu and Cords hit the nail on the head.
I love Australia Day in the celebration of our nation, and a bloody good fun day off.
But I feel uneasy that in doing so my intentions might be misconstrued by indigenous friends and locals. We live in a community with a high % of indigenous people, some of whom say they are cool with it all others who are angry, and to be honest if it wasn’t this issue it would be something else….
My take is that it’s not “Australia Day”, celebrate the nation that’s the issue, it’s Australia Day 26th Jan that’s possibly the issue?


Everyone has good points here… I have to agree with air and Tambo - the choice of date?

Anyhoo… I’ll be spending my Aussie day at a hottest 100 BBQ with a bunch of Croatians!


I reckon you’re spot on there tambo.


I agree too!!!!!

But do we change the date for Christmas so as not to offend anyone that has been persecuted in the name of Christianity????? (I also celebrate Christmas, but I’m an Athiest)

The problems in the Middle East (and also many other regions throughout the world) at present, are due to the fact that people want to dwell on the past, and can’t let things go!!!!!

Unfortunately this only ends with more grief for all involved!!!!!

If there are indigenous folk out there that truly believe that modern day Australians celebrate the genocide of the original inhabitants of this continent, then that’s the part that truly saddens me!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 25 January 2014 09:35 AM

If there are indigenous folk out there that truly believe that modern day Australians celebrate the genocide of the original inhabitants of this continent, then that’s the part that truly saddens me!!!!!

or any other folk for that matter.

26th of January IS the day that is recognised as Australia Day and has been since 1935 with all states joining together in 1994 to recognise it on the same day.

If you, (not you directly Miz) or anyone else think that I am celebrating an invasion or genocide of a nation and race, you are completely wrong.
I was born here along with 20 odd million others and I choose to celebrate Australia Day on the 26th of January each year.

I am sick of all this PC bullshit and media beat up of what a small minority has to say about it.
You know what? It has all happened, none can change it, there are many things happening to make up, say sorry, try and fix the past. What ever happens there will always be someone pissed off about it and that is how it will always be.

Even if we changed the date, there is going to be friction. So why change it? Just the same shit in a different bucket.

Either celebrate or don’t, Your choice.

I hope those of you that choose to celebrate Australia Day have a great one, I know I will smile



I love you, man!!!!!






Bang on the money Azz & Mizu shaka