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What’s your latest purchase?

deanobruce - 16 January 2014 06:33 PM
blizzard_22 - 16 January 2014 08:09 AM

Finally got around to ordering myself a Seahawks jersey, now just gotta hope they beat San Fran!

Haha thats cute that you think you will beat us!

LOL c’mon! Hawks fans can cause earthquakes with their noise! Dark is a niners supporter so Monday shall be interesting!

Azz - 17 January 2014 06:52 AM

We always get customs made when getting a new pair of boots, worth every last cent.
You will always ride with them from now on in cords smile


DigitalReaver - 08 January 2014 06:04 PM

My new powder board for Japan.  Yes 420 rocking a set of now bindings.
The fat little bugger in the flesh…Needs some sticker action

Nice mate! Should be great in Japans Pow (so so jealous)

Hows the leg fitness training coming a long? wondering if my nagging all season got through!  tongue wink

blizzard_22 - 17 January 2014 08:41 AM

LOL c’mon! Hawks fans can cause earthquakes with their noise! Dark is a niners supporter so Monday shall be interesting!

Haha Lynch actually scares me, i watched the end of the Seahawks game last week,
Going to be a good game, im def going to be wearing my Crabtree jersey on Mon.

Azz - 17 January 2014 06:52 AM

We always get customs made when getting a new pair of boots, worth every last cent.
You will always ride with them from now on in cords smile

I don’t doubt that at all. Looking forward to taking them for another spin today!


Picked up a POC Spine Ergo back protector for half price normally retail for around $200


Dude! I have never even seen you Ollie!


Are you expecting miracle’s from Fyfe??

ozgirl - 21 January 2014 05:57 PM

Dude! I have never even seen you Ollie!

Haha I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it once but then he ate it on landing..

Maybe it’s a good idea for him to have it.. raspberry


Picked up a POC Spine Ergo back protector for half price normally retail for around $200

Guys you are all missing the point this is so Dan’s back doesn’t get cold when he takes a nap on the snow!  tongue wink

So after driving what felt like all day to the northern beaches and back I have returned with this beast!

The board is layered with carbon fibre and came with a full carbon paddle (which I need to cut to length tonight) + legrope/grip.

Thanks to Mike (NBG) for sourcing out a great deal for me. Now the interesting bit as I’ve never actually paddleboarded before but I guess I’m committed now! LOL



Well done mate…

DigitalReaver - 21 January 2014 04:56 PM

Picked up a POC Spine Ergo back protector for half price normally retail for around $200

Good on you mate. The Fyve boys will have you doing stuff you didn’t think you ever would. Nothing like a bit of safety smile

Our boys won’t ride without theirs, saved them on many occasions.


Bought a Roxy OlliePop when I was OS because I was desperate! I was so shitty I didn’t bring my B-Pro. Great little board though, was lots of fun…So much better than my K2… 30000 yen

drc13 - 21 January 2014 06:33 PM

So after driving what felt like all day to the northern beaches and back I have returned with this beast!

The board is layered with carbon fibre and came with a full carbon paddle (which I need to cut to length tonight) + legrope/grip.

Thanks to Mike (NBG) for sourcing out a great deal for me. Now the interesting bit as I’ve never actually paddleboarded before but I guess I’m committed now! LOL

That looks AND sounds expensive LOL
Looks good tho, looking forward to seeing if you actually get use of it

DylanV - 21 January 2014 10:11 PM

That looks AND sounds expensive LOL
Looks good tho, looking forward to seeing if you actually get use of it

Haha well in my weird way of justifying it I’m telling myself every time I use it I’m saving on rental fees! LOL I reckon we’ll have a BW SUP day at some stage hopefully you can get your ass down here for that!

I’m a bit crook at the moment but still woke up nice and early keen for either a surf or SUP swell dependent. Naturally it’s windy and choppy everywhere ruling both out for now, good start!  wall

Next expense is considering permanent roof racks, the softies did their job getting me back from the NB but I’m never confident I’ll have paint on the roof at the end of it.


DRC pretty stoked for you mate, just one word of advice, don’t go out when it’s too windy and you can’t find a sheltered sport, especially until you have your technique down pat as you act like a big sail which is fine downwind but upwind can be near on impossible at times!

Hope you get out on it today, I would be frothing to get out a new SUP if I had one.  Realistically I’ve had mine for about 15 months and paid similar or a bit more than what you did and I would say it’s cost me less than $5 per go since then ha ha!

Spewing I wasn’t working from home yesterday as we could have had a paddle on Pittwater after you bought it, something tells me you were a little keen and impatient to wait till Friday ha ha ha!