The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What gets you fired up?  You get to rant!


I hate f#$k!n Magpies!!
im not talkin bout the AFL team, even though i will be very disapointed if they win the premiership next week, im talking about the damn bird!

I have been out riding my bike almost every day the past two weeks and have been riding all over the eastern side of melbourne, from out near the hills, to up north near the rivers, to south near the beaches and almost every time i have been out the stupid f#$k!n birds keep swooping me as i harmlessly ride my pushy along the bike track!! I know its the season for it, but PISS OFF BIRDS!  Im not trying to hurt ur babies, i cant fly u stupid twats! Im not going to just stop riding cos of it, why should i? and why should i put a dozen zip ties in my helmet and look like a friken tool just to stop them from making direct contact with my head! One flew into me today and almost knocked me off my bike, lucky there was no cars around and i was on a back road.
I swear if i get swooped again im going to kill the bloody thing! SERIOUSLY! Now im all against animal cruilty and for animal rights, but i swear if i get swooped again im going to climb up the trees after you and rip off ur wings! I mite just have to cary a tennis racquet on my back so as they swoop i can belt them for a home run (differnt sports i know lol)



Hahaha you’re not one of the muppets that wear cable ties on their helmet are you?

That annoys me no end! YOU’RE WEARING A HELMET, even if the little turds manage to hit you, it’s not going to hurt. Besides, we’ve proven on a number of occasions that it doesn’t work anyway…


hahaha, nah no way i would, i passed quite a few oldies today with them. they looked like they were trying to communicate with aliens haha.
I have just been taking hits to the head. and one grabed a hold of my colar and was scratchin and peckin my neck. most have just hit my helmet of made that cracking sound with their wings. but it was the one today that nearly knocked me off the bike it hit so hard that drove me over the edge


Haha I can just envision him riding along throwing mince meat grenades at them tongue laugh


I’m going to move onto a new rant and see if i can get Mizu’s broken record onto a new battle! wink

# rant 2 : This site is a snowboarding site but the only really active part is the social section…..i’m here to talk snowboarding! well mainly anyway…not mainly weird games and a tiny bit of snowboarding.

now i changed my mind….forget about it. must be getting old.


Players in sport who won’t admit they have done the wrong thing and will argue black and blue that they are innocent!!! If there is a rule stating “No player shall initiate contact and target a defenseless opponent above the shoulders.” then yes that means you CANNOT head butt them in the chin!!! Learn the rules loser!!!


yeah anyone in sport who is gonna argue about any line ball decisions has my vote….
I was playing muck around soccer yesterday on a field with no marked lines, yet a dude on my team was arguing about whether the ball had gone out or not…who cares man?? just keep playing!

Mizu Kuma - 23 September 2010 11:55 AM
CRACKERS - 23 September 2010 11:23 AM

I’m going to move onto a new rant and see if i can get Mizu’s broken record onto a new battle! wink

# rant 2 : This site is a snowboarding site but the only really active part is the social section…..i’m here to talk snowboarding! well mainly anyway…not mainly weird games and a tiny bit of snowboarding.

Does this mean no more Pirates????  downer

CRACKERS - 23 September 2010 11:23 AM

now i changed my mind….forget about it. must be getting old.

That’s called a ‘Rant and Rave’ CRACKERS!!! Ya MUST be gettin old??? Ahh, different types of Subsidies altogether!!!  raspberry

I think i proved that snowboarding and pirates can go hand in hand…wait ..what?
wheres my walking stick!

CRACKERS - 23 September 2010 11:23 AM

I’m going to move onto a new rant and see if i can get Mizu’s broken record onto a new battle! wink

# rant 2 : This site is a snowboarding site but the only really active part is the social section…..i’m here to talk snowboarding! well mainly anyway…not mainly weird games and a tiny bit of snowboarding.

now i changed my mind….forget about it. must be getting old.

I think that you get that at a lot of snowboarding message boards. it is more of a community that has snowboarding in common, and when it comes up that is what is talked about, but there’s is much else to talk about and entertain ourselves with.
There could always be a little more about riding and products… so I suggest that if that is your rant, then start some snowboard related topics and we’ll see how they go.
I’d love to see them myself.

snowslider - 24 September 2010 04:18 AM
CRACKERS - 23 September 2010 11:23 AM

I’m going to move onto a new rant and see if i can get Mizu’s broken record onto a new battle! wink

# rant 2 : This site is a snowboarding site but the only really active part is the social section…..i’m here to talk snowboarding! well mainly anyway…not mainly weird games and a tiny bit of snowboarding.

now i changed my mind….forget about it. must be getting old.

I think that you get that at a lot of snowboarding message boards. it is more of a community that has snowboarding in common, and when it comes up that is what is talked about, but there’s is much else to talk about and entertain ourselves with.
There could always be a little more about riding and products… so I suggest that if that is your rant, then start some snowboard related topics and we’ll see how they go.
I’d love to see them myself.

thats fair enough i guess, each to their own.
i changed my mind anyway and ill need to start a thread looking for help in every aspect of snowboarding…after my weekends riding, i redraw my application to be called a snowboarder


don’t be so hard on yourself, crackers - I reckon you did pretty well!
Shouldn’t have stopped for a cup of tea yesterday arvo!


Crackers, any way you can post a video of your riding?

Even so - tell us your thoughts, and there’s plenty here that would love to contribute some help to your riding.


I can post a vid, ive got one nearly rendered. wouldn’t mind some tips actually. although you can always edit out the bad bits! hahah
been concentrating a lot on stopping any back hand /counter rotation thing going on pretty sure it was you that posted about it..

probably sounded a bit to negative, thats what happens when you write a post at 1am after a bus trip from the snow.

don’t get me wrong, snowboarding is SICK! i love it, but sometimes i get frustrated as i’m not improving fast enough and because I didn’t start to i was 25, theres only so much ill ever be able to do.

the main thing i have learnt of the years is…....wait for it….DONT STOP FOR LUNCH! wink


The daily progression that you make when first learning tends to slow down.
I’ve been at the point that I feel like I have totally enjoyed myself, but I’ve not made any measurable progress in, well, maybe a couple of years, but I’m working on that now, focusing on freestyle riding during my summers.

Keep riding, primarily for enjoyment.
The rule should be Safety first, then fun and then learning.
First…Ddnt do anything too stupid, Second have a good time, and Third if you learn something or get better along the way, then good.

I like that plan.


Downright p!ssed me off the Hellstra took 3 weeks to activate our new interweb connections at work when transfering us from one plan to another on their own system and left us for 3.5 days without access in the mean time!