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Things I’ve learned about Australia


Oh, I’ve learned that Australia has the largest amount of deadly snakes and spiders in the world, the highest concentration of which can be found where I last lived for two years.  Makes for great conversation with peeps back in the US smile

Mizu Kuma - 22 September 2010 03:51 AM
snowdragon - 22 September 2010 03:19 AM

Oh, I’ve learned that Australia has the largest amount of deadly snakes and spiders in the world, the highest concentration of which can be found where I last lived for two years.  Makes for great conversation with peeps back in the US smile


Where I live I get the Eastern Brown Snake (# 2 in the world) and the Red Bellied Black Snake (whilst venomous it’s not deadly, and actually kills the Brown Snake, so is kinda good to have around) frequent our yard in summer, and when it rains the Sydney Funnel Web Spider (a bite can cause death in as little as 15 minutes) burrows are found all through the garden!!!
Even one of cutest creatures, the Platypus has venomous spurs on it’s legs!!!!
And if ya ever wanderin around the rock pools at the beach and ya see a little Octopus, no bigger than a golf ball, that has little Blue Rings all over it, whatever ya do DON"T TOUCH IT!!!

Havin said that, we only lose about 30-35% of the population to these creatures every year so it’s not to bad!!!!

Did I mention before that Aussie’s like to take the piss???

I believe you did- I’ve adopted that and many others since coming here, helped my confidence with the immigration test.  Our first hike around a nature preserve when we moved to Canberra we think we saw an Eastern Brown, but nnot entirely sure as it was sudden and we didn’t stick around surprised

snowdragon - 22 September 2010 03:19 AM

Oh, I’ve learned that Australia has the largest amount of deadly snakes and spiders in the world, the highest concentration of which can be found where I last lived for two years.  Makes for great conversation with peeps back in the US smile

I would guess that it is not uncommon for people to have encounters and even get bit by them?

snowslider - 22 September 2010 04:02 AM
snowdragon - 22 September 2010 03:19 AM

Oh, I’ve learned that Australia has the largest amount of deadly snakes and spiders in the world, the highest concentration of which can be found where I last lived for two years.  Makes for great conversation with peeps back in the US smile

I would guess that it is not uncommon for people to have encounters and even get bit by them?

Mostly spider bites, the’ve got a healthy stock of anti-venom at the Alice Springs Hospital- mostly for Redback encounters i think, most people just exercise extra caution when out bush and it usually keeps you out of trouble


My little bro has been bitten by redbacks 5 times. once on the aggots!! (balls)

No word of a lie. Put a pair of trackie dacks on and there was one in his pants. And it bit him on the jatz crackers.

The worst part of it was, he was still a young bloke, and was so embarrassed about having sore balls (and not knowing why) that he wouldn’t tell anyone. He went for hours in silent pain. We went out and he stayed in the car, and my old man went back to the car and found him crying in the back. Poor bloke.

Now he works in a timber yard, so he cops the odd bite every now and then.

We call him Peter Parker.    LOL


Was going through a box in my shed the other day and a funnel web crawled to within 10 cm of my hand. I freaked out. And red belied blacks are deadly for sure



Mizu Kuma - 22 September 2010 10:27 PM
tjswish - 22 September 2010 01:59 PM


You been smokin Gum Leaves again TJ????

My mate heard a tourist at the airport ask where he could go to ride a Kangaroo . . how do you answer that with a straight face?!


I’d be running off to find the nearest Kangaroo for them to give it a crack!

Tills - 22 September 2010 09:13 AM

My little bro has been bitten by redbacks 5 times. once on the aggots!! (balls)

No word of a lie. Put a pair of trackie dacks on and there was one in his pants. And it bit him on the jatz crackers.

The worst part of it was, he was still a young bloke, and was so embarrassed about having sore balls (and not knowing why) that he wouldn’t tell anyone. He went for hours in silent pain. We went out and he stayed in the car, and my old man went back to the car and found him crying in the back. Poor bloke.

Now he works in a timber yard, so he cops the odd bite every now and then.

We call him Peter Parker.    LOL

Talk about learning of down under…
- Aggots
- No word of a lie
- trackie dacks
- jatz crackers
- bloke
- cops the odd bite

Your lingo is hilarious. I’m not sure how much of that is personal creativity and personality from you Tills, and how much is common Australian vernacular.


I’ve never heard aggots myself but the rest is commonly used, I’d say!


lol good example!

So, I was at work today and this girl was blowing her foghorn about her man friend and how she thinks he is playing the hanky panky in the afterhours before he comes home to her. She tells me that she is planning to take the A train from their place to somewhere else ASAP so she dont have to see his mug anymore.

OK, not so good. but I tried.


We’ve also got some pritty terrable grammar for example, hearing “you done well” is an almost daily occurance at my school teachers included


That a red head can run the country….. Lol up the sauce heads


That a dingo can eat your baby….