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How to be Aussie.


I ain’t Aussie, but I’ve listened to the Men at Work song, and I think I wanna be Aussie.

So how do I get started? How do I acquire the accent, and where’s the Vegemite?


I looked up the song lyrics, I thought that was Sting or The Police that sung that?
Well, the lyrics diddnt help is advising on how to be an Aussie.

Great question for someone like myself, hanging out online with everyone. I’m not down under - does that mean I’m up over?
(or above and beyond?)

I’d like to know what are some interesting things about being Aussie, other than Veggiemite, which I dont mind actually it’s different.


40cm of snow on the ground and huge crowds at the slopes claiming Epic start to season!!!!

What we would give for the snowfalls of Europe and US mountains….....Still I was at Buller last week with 35cm and loved it grin


Being Aussie is bitching about the shitty snow we have here. The big patches of dirt/mud poking through the supertrail at Thredbo.
Whinging about the goat track of snow down the bottom near the lift and the icy hard packed snow up the top.


worldtripper, you’ve been to Whistler. I thought you would know by now what is means to be Aussie. To acquire the accent, stay in Whistler longer, it’s the captial of Australia wink


i guess this is the wrong site to talk at lenght about a certain country’ history?


Listen to a song called This is Australia by Midnight Oil. It’ll give you a rough idea on what goes on in a land down under smile

Midnight Oil are a classic Aussie rock band too… Check it ooooout smile

worldtripper - 01 July 2009 01:19 PM

I ain’t Aussie, but I’ve listened to the Men at Work song, and I think I wanna be Aussie.

So how do I get started? How do I acquire the accent, and where’s the Vegemite?

i’d advise a strict regime of croc wrestling and kangaroo riding.
we all do that.
all the time.


Okay, what do you reckon would be the national symbol of OZ, if you were to pick just one?

Sydney opera house.
Foster’s beer.
The Harbour Bridge (spelled correctly, even)

starsky99 - 02 July 2009 01:03 AM

What we would give for the snowfalls of Europe and US mountains….....Still I was at Buller last week with 35cm and loved it grin

Not all US states were created equal, LOL

I’m on the east coast, where there are many seasons that I dont even see any real snow for the winter. Of course I’m in the mid-to-southern area of the east coast, but still the mid west and north west areas are indeed something to crave for! Dont forget Canada.
I understand completely about the ‘goat track’ I love that expression too!
and holes of dirt and mud in the snow - got cha! I see that every year, hopefully not mid season, but definitely end of the year.

I should mention that when I worked at Snowshoe, WV for a couple of seasons. A highliight for me was Australia Day! We had a lot of internationals there and those from down under really bonded together to share things about Australia day during the whole week, and got everyone pumped for the festivities on that day. It was really cool. A lot of vegemite being tasted.
I’m not big on hanging out at bars and such, but it was one of the better times. A lot of songs being shouted. I think they were futbol anthems but it was a blast!

worldtripper - 02 July 2009 11:11 AM

Okay, what do you reckon would be the national symbol of OZ, if you were to pick just one?

Sydney opera house.
Foster’s beer.
The Harbour Bridge (spelled correctly, even)

hmm… i dunno they’re all pretty generic, but i always think vegemite first. i’ve heard people born overseas, the ones who’ve tried it, think its feral

worldtripper - 01 July 2009 01:19 PM

I ain’t Aussie, but I’ve listened to the Men at Work song, and I think I wanna be Aussie.

So how do I get started? How do I acquire the accent, and where’s the Vegemite?

to be honest i never noticed we even had accents haha


Correct me if I’m wrong but Ppl visiting Oz always come with the impression that aboriginals still walk around with spears and kangaroo’s are in every back yard!!!

I think that there all Aussie symbols… I couldnt just pick one


To be Aussie is to laugh at yourself and not care about the repercussions of what you do.

Gonzo - 02 July 2009 08:33 AM
worldtripper - 01 July 2009 01:19 PM

I ain’t Aussie, but I’ve listened to the Men at Work song, and I think I wanna be Aussie.

So how do I get started? How do I acquire the accent, and where’s the Vegemite?

i’d advise a strict regime of croc wrestling and kangaroo riding.
we all do that.
all the time.

don’t loan your Kangaroo to Mizu- loves riding them so much he’s terrible at returnin them wink


Stone the crows, dragon!!!!! Lend a bloke a roo one time, forget to tie it up at the pub, and he’s all over ya like a blue arse fly!!!!!

Strewth mate!!!!!