The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.



Mark Landvik or Torstien Horgmo? ( I love love lando, but Torstein’s park lap in Black winter is just inspiring) Also what is a Michael Japckson?



A Michael Jackson is rail/box slide - kind of like a 50-50 in that your board is pointed straight ahead, but you are up on your toe edge, so you are pretty much standing on your toes with only your toe edge touching the rail. Hence you look like Michael Jackson when he goes up on his toes.

What’s the nicest thing you have done for a stranger lately?


At the videograss premier when they were throwing out free gear, my mate and i had already caught a tee and a beanie each, and we ended up catchin another whole bag of beanies. I felt bad cos the fellas next to us had nothin, so i gave them to them and the couple behind us who hadnt caught anything.

What other extreme/adventure sport would you love to do, but havent?  excluding “boardworld sports”


just saying the other day I’d like to try downhill biking.

I did ask about your favourite grab and when mizu said Michael Jackson it wasn’t familiar to me (except as a way to ride a box as described by rider) so I googled it. This is what came up and I have a feeling that is what mizu was referring to. Check it out!

favourite video game?


Mizu only you would be doin that????


Michael Jackson grab…  LOL

Thanks for the Youtube link, cords.


Winner gets a white sequinned glove from Grenade (but only one glove).


mud or cheese cake please!!!!!!

pasty white or tandoori junction (skin)


pasty white, taning up is easer than trying to get rid of ya tan

meat pie or pizza


Pizza for sure!

Would you eat something gross for $1000?


hell yes! i would eat bout anything atm for $1000 haha. Name the item Rider! i need $ haha jks

what was your wildest New Years Eve party?


Had a couple of good ones involving Tills including doing Karate Kid style balance kicks, out of our skulls on top of the poles supporting the lookout over the cliff at Winki Pop and there was also the night at the Portsea Pub which ended with him blowing his nose into some skanks hair hahaha…

DC, Vans or Globe?



Hot chocolate or coffee?

Empire - 22 September 2010 06:59 AM

Had a couple of good ones involving Tills including doing Karate Kid style balance kicks, out of our skulls on top of the poles supporting the lookout over the cliff at Winki Pop and there was also the night at the Portsea Pub which ended with him blowing his nose into some skanks hair hahaha…

DC, Vans or Globe?

Hahaha Karate Kid impersonations were gold. I can’t believe you told your missus that I did a bushies blow in her friends hair.  LOL


Oh, and Hot Chocolate.

Do you like the smell of your own brew?