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What do you want to find under your Christmas tree?


With less than 2 weeks to wrap it all up, what’s on your Xmas list?


a one way ticket back to whis with my visa requirements sorted!

baring that, a new bikini and sunnies for my trip to Cambodia in a month
thanks santa LOL


I have everything I need/want, and everything I really want is too expensive to ask for as a Christmas present… However, OS snow holiday, Ford Ranger (or similar 4x4 dual cab ute) would place quite highly on the list, wouldn’t be mad if ‘Santa’ wanted to pay for my Uni course either… LOL


I am a simple man so a new ankle would be lovely.


Mine is money, the only thing i want is too expensive so I’ve asked for money for Xmas and my bday.. So ill put it all together and pay the rest my self,

(i want the canon 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM, and that’s around $2,400…  I’ve also been looking at the sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG diagonal fisheye - i like the look of the diagonal more then the circular, as it fills the whole frame, - that’s about $6/700, but that will be some time after the 24-70)


I would love a plane ticket to the US.

h0z - 12 December 2013 10:15 AM

24-70mm f/2.8L II USM

Can you get us one as well please? We hired one for our last job and there was a fight for who got to use it. Beautiful lens.

Koper - 12 December 2013 09:41 AM

I have everything I need/want, and everything I really want is too expensive to ask for as a Christmas present…


Unless some wealthy philanthropist or anonymous benefactor would like to deliver a 36’ cruising yacht, a 4 bedroom house overlooking the beach and/or Jessica Biel that would make my Xmas pretty damn good.


I already know what I’m gettin for Chrissy!!!!!

Cuddles from my little Grandshredder!!!!!  cool smile


An Emma sandwich cheese


Santa is bringing me a PS3 rocker


You mean a PS4?


Type 3 Volkswagen Squareback.
It may take a xmas miracle to get it by xmas otherwise I’ll be waiting until late January.

deanobruce - 12 December 2013 04:09 PM

You mean a PS4?

Nope, not in Santa’s price range - games will be cheaper too


True, i cant justify grabbing a xbox 1 yet. Not when they arent backwards compatible. Have way too many games!

deanobruce - 12 December 2013 04:38 PM

True, i cant justify grabbing a xbox 1 yet. Not when they arent backwards compatible. Have way too many games!

Same here, so it’s one step at a time. I’m just hoping to get a rad game with it!!