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~ RIP Legend ~


Truly a great person has left us!!!!!

RIP Nelson Mandela!!!!! downer


A true humanitarian. RIP. downer

rider26 - 06 December 2013 06:01 PM

A true humanitarian.

History will remember Mandela that way - largely by ignoring the many abhorrent things he did to deserve imprisonment, instead focussing on what he became after he was released. He fought and suffered for a worthy cause, and as long as you believe the end justifies the means, it’s all good.


chucky - 06 December 2013 09:21 PM
rider26 - 06 December 2013 06:01 PM

A true humanitarian.

History will remember Mandela that way - largely by ignoring the many abhorrent things he did to deserve imprisonment, instead focussing on what he became after he was released. He fought and suffered for what a worthy cause, and as long as you believe the end justifies the means, it’s all good.

Said in true chucky style LOL

I really do feel blessed to be a mer pheasant in the scheme of things and not have such an over analistic craniam, so I can enjoy the simple things in life cheese


You only need to look at what he did for South Africa and the positive effect he had on billions of people around the world, to know this was a special man, who changed a nation and the world. He served 27 years in jail for his crimes, and what he did after his release defined the man that is Nelson Mandela. The world is better because of him. Rest in peace, to a true legend of our time.


A man that stands by his beliefs, and in doin so stood against a powerful racist regime, only to be sentenced to a prison term of 20 odd years!!!!!

Then comes out to continue the fight for equality, and real equality, can be nothing more than a Legend!!!!!


And you’re more of a Goose than a Pheasant, Dyldo!!!!! LOL

And while many would say that you’ve got shit for brains (including yourself it seems), in my eyes you must’ve been a Good Egg all the same!!!!! shaka

rider26 - 06 December 2013 10:39 PM

You only need to look at what he did for South Africa and the positive effect he had on billions of people around the world, to know this was a special man, who changed a nation and the world. He served 27 years in jail for his crimes, and what he did after his release defined the man that is Nelson Mandela. The world is better because of him. Rest in peace, to a true legend of our time.

Very true, he inspired some great things.

It’s just a shame he never showed genuine contrition for the many horrific terrorist acts he committed (the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent women and children with Soviet sponsored limpet mines in South African shopping centres, for example) as the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party). To his credit, he did plead guilty at his trial (to 156 acts of public violence) and didn’t try to weasel out of it.

Seriously though, other than contributing to the abolition of apartheid, what did Mandela personally do that was so great? Is South Africa REALLY better off through the replacement of one oppressive, racist regime with another? 



He inspired a generation to dream, to fight for freedom. You can’t even begin to measure that. It goes beyond politics.


That’s like saying that Slavery made the US a better place?????

It all depends on what colour skin you have, or whether you can look at yourself in the mirror!!!!!

DylanV - 06 December 2013 10:36 PM

I really do feel blessed to be a mer pheasant in the scheme of things and not have such an over analistic craniam, so I can enjoy the simple things in life cheese

Spot on, mate. I’m genuinely envious, seriously.

I WISH I didn’t know heaps of the stuff I know - but I can’t ‘un-know’ it, so I’m stuck with it. Twenty years ago when I totally didn’t give a crap, I was an entirely different person. I blame the emergence of the internet.

I’ve tried at times to shut myself off completely from all sources of news and current affairs, and it’s actually pretty awesome. Perhaps that’s part of what makes going away on holidays so much more enjoyable? I just don’t have it in me to keep ignoring it - my craving for knowledge is like an unhealthy addiction.

Whoever coined the phrase “Ignorance is bliss” was definitely onto something (the applicable meaning of “ignorance” being a lack of knowledge or information, not “stupidity”). It makes complete sense that the less details you know about everything, the less chance there is there’ll be something to piss you off.



That’s why Hawking is such an arsehole!!!!!

rider26 - 07 December 2013 12:39 AM

He inspired a generation to dream, to fight for freedom. You can’t even begin to measure that. It goes beyond politics.

Yep, I’d agree with that.

Mandela the mythical figurehead has done far more good for South Africa and the world in general than Mandela the actual person - and it’s the former, not the latter, that the ‘airbrush of history’ will ensure we remember.