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Can a larger deck help with landing tricks?


Unhung Hero!!!!! LOL

Rileyb1 - 29 November 2013 11:08 AM

7.75 sounds good i’ll give it a go.

Mizu’s comment made me go through and make sure i spelt deck right LOL

Me too. I thought it was me. LOL

Turns out he’s just an idiot. smirk


Riley, where do you live? I might be able to organise a special deal on a deck for you.

rider26 - 29 November 2013 04:37 PM
Rileyb1 - 29 November 2013 11:08 AM

7.75 sounds good i’ll give it a go.

Mizu’s comment made me go through and make sure i spelt deck right LOL

Me too. I thought it was me. LOL

Turns out he’s just an idiot. smirk

Personal abuse on the forums can get you banned!!!!!

I know the Chief!!!!!


Some one call Chief I am the Man!!!!!!!?


Quick question

what would cause my pivot cups to break, or rather become non existent.

I noticed some slop in the front truck so i took off the hanger to have a look. I noticed the back pivot cup to be OK a bit worn around the edges onto the base plate but not too bad.

The back one however is destroyed, the sides are worn off at the top and there are groves in both the base plate and the hanger and the bottom is completely gone, metal on metal is not ideal and is quite squeaky.

Having said this i might just replace the trucks as it is close to Christmas and i might get a cheap set. Any thoughts on Theeve tiax?


What sort of trucks? Sounds like a dodgy set to me.


They are just some that come with a Zoo York complete i brought, so probably not the best trucks to start with. About time for an upgrade i think.


Yeah, go with a reputable truck brand and you shouldn’t have any problems. Most trucks that come with completes are garbage (some are good, but you need to shop around and know what you’re getting).


Theeve Tiax are some good trucks, I had them before my Destructo D2’s. They grind good and have a good turn on them as well. Definitely worthwhile trucks to get.


Might have to get me some then, there the same price as Indy’s in most places any way and new technology is always cool.


Well Theeve came into the game and after that everyone started introducing different styles of trucks. Looks like it was the boot companies needed.