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AUS time zones


So, I was wondering what the time difference was for the east coast of the US, where I am vs AUS.

What is with the 3 different time zones down under?
it’s not an hour apart each, but like 3:18 / 4:48 / 5:18 for AWST / ACST / AEST
Why cant it be simple like 3:18 / 4:18 / 5:18

go here

Is the website wrong, or does it have something to do with kangaroos that I wouldnt understand?

tongue wink


The website is set to Sydney time. It is currently 12:20pm here. We are 14 hours ahead of New York.


You can only ride on the east coast, so dont worry about anywhere else wink

Basically the west coast is 2 hours behind the east coast.
Central time is only half an hour behind the east coast though.


do you turn your clocks ahead one hour in the spring and then back again in the fall?

known as “Daylights saving time” in Canada…Except for Saskatchewan because farmers don`t care..They are always up early.


yep daylight savings time kicks in october sometime (? - i should know this…i just listen to the radio and when it tells me to change them i do…) and every year seems to get extended longer and longer…ended up switching back during april this year and everyone on the western border of SA was complaining etc cos the kids would be going to school in pitch black kind of thing…

I think each state does it at their own time though, and Queensland doesn’t do it at all, so during daylight savings time they are out of sync with the rest of the east coast…stupid system…someone else can probably explain it better than me and know more about it at this stage, and it probably doesn’t help that I am slightly hungover from mid-week post-exam partying last night…so i am going to sleep soon…


oh and snowslider its kind of due to where the major cities in each state are located - because perth is on the western of western australia, adelaide is on the eastern side of SA, and Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane are all pretty much in a roundabout line up the east coast, there is a huge gap between Perth & Adelaide, hence the 1 1/2 hour difference, but there isn’t such a big gap between Adelaide and the Eastern states, so there is only a 1/2 hour difference…

as mentioned above with the daylight savings biznass, doesn’t help the farmers etc in Ceduna (western side of SA) when its 8am all over SA and the sun has been up for 1/2 an hour in Adelaide, but the sun isn’t even close to being up there…


Thanks banga..

Canada is spit into at least 4 time zones…We all move our clocks an hour in spring and fall but the farmers in the middle prairie provinces don`t change ever..I guess they have issues with it being dark too early too…Farmers don`t care abOUT time anyway..Up before the sun,work until dark…Fairly simple system..


Yeah ther Queenslander farmers dont like daylight savings because its quite hot up there already and they complain that the extra hour of sunlight could damage their crops.

wink wink wink

EvanL - 02 July 2009 02:48 AM

You can only ride on the east coast, so dont worry about anywhere else wink

Basically the west coast is 2 hours behind the east coast.
Central time is only half an hour behind the east coast though.

I dont get why Central is only 30 min behind. odd.

You can only ride on the East coast, that’s wherre the mountains are I guess?
You cant ride in Perth, which is on the West coast?
I thought you could ride in Perth.

EvanL - 02 July 2009 04:09 AM

Yeah ther Queenslander farmers dont like daylight savings because its quite hot up there already and they complain that the extra hour of sunlight could damage their crops.

wink wink wink


snowslider - 02 July 2009 01:08 PM
EvanL - 02 July 2009 02:48 AM

You can only ride on the east coast, so dont worry about anywhere else wink

Basically the west coast is 2 hours behind the east coast.
Central time is only half an hour behind the east coast though.

I dont get why Central is only 30 min behind. odd.


Newfoundland in Canada is 1/2 hour ahead of the Eastern Standard Time zone…because they are furthest East…but only a little bit

The sun rises first on Newfies

snowslider - 02 July 2009 01:08 PM
EvanL - 02 July 2009 02:48 AM

You can only ride on the east coast, so dont worry about anywhere else wink

Basically the west coast is 2 hours behind the east coast.
Central time is only half an hour behind the east coast though.

I dont get why Central is only 30 min behind. odd.

You can only ride on the East coast, that’s wherre the mountains are I guess?
You cant ride in Perth, which is on the West coast?
I thought you could ride in Perth.

The reason for having the different time differences is a bit easier to understand if you go by a flat map of australia - the capital cities kind of look like this, with the state borders being the lines:


That’s a bit exaggerated, but you get the idea of the way bigger difference between Perth-Adelaide vs Adelaide-Eastern States

and apart from a few molehills that are only going to get snow when permafrost hits the world, the only “mountains” with snow in Australia are on the east coast from sydney down, part of the great dividing range…its too close to the equator with not enough elevation anywhere above sydney…

and perth is flat as a tack too…as is adelaide…