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What has BW made you do?


Random Thread,

But a few discussions of late have made me realise…

I have spent more nights in a tent due to BW peeps than I have even spent in my entire life!

(Mud and his - “I have a tent I just never use it”  line made me think of this)

So come on spill peeps!

May be as simple as meeting randoms off the internet!


Pretty up my push bike with tinsel and barbie stuff and ride it to work.
Rolling down hills with Brad Hocking
A ton of push ups
No work… lol
Meet some of the best people I know.
Post way too much personal information on the internet. As well as lots of photos

And I’m sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

TJswish - 21 November 2013 03:38 PM

And I’m sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Look at TJ’s ‘iceberg’ tip


Dislocated my ankle and fractured my fibia.

Game,Set & Match


Until Brad posts! LOL


Made me do/realise/acknowledge the following!!!!!

Increase my Internet useage!!!!!
Waste lots of time!!!!!
Learn all about Judaism!!!!!
Take an interest in Llamas!!!!!
Eat more Bacon!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Wear a Dress!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Dislocate my Shoulder!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Learn to try and improve my Grammer!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Learnt that TJ is a Stalker!!!!!
That Billy already drank more Alcohol!!!!!
Spaz doesn’t like GoPro!!!!!
Snowdragon was an American!!!!!
Snowatch Sucks!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!! Sucks!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Trappers Sucks!!!!!
K2 is not a real Teacher!!!!!
Jeremy Sucks!!!!!
Deano likes the colour Pink!!!!!
h0z does as well!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Trent is a Cunny Funt!!!!!
Dave prefers Oranges!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!
Ozzy is a light weight!!!!!
So is Dyldo!!!!!
Jeremy still Sucks!!!!!
Drink more Alcohol!!!!!

I’ll write some more after I crack open a coldie!!!!!


BW made me go away with a bunch of strangers for 5 days smile  had a pretty epic time so thank you BW!!


Boardworld made me snowboard down a mountain with no snow. LOL




Boardworld has made me. shaka

ozgirl - 21 November 2013 04:12 PM

Until Brad posts! LOL

How long was Brad out of action after his incident? I think i win at 3 months LOL


It made him call Jez “Mummy”!!!!!

If that counts?????


I got Jez to scratch my nose…best i have got


A Mother will go further than that!!!!!


grrr  how further are we talking?

Mizu Kuma - 21 November 2013 05:26 PM

A Mother will go further than that!!!!!

Oh do I have a story fitting in here, not for the internet though LOL