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Federal Election 2013




I know it’s not the election but with the US government shutting down


thumbsup LOL

Mizu Kuma - 07 September 2013 07:34 PM


As a lowly opposition backbencher, Kevin Rudd now lacks the power, the perks and (most importantly to him) the limelight he’s always desperately craved. So I’d have been more surprised if that deceitful, narcissistic con-artist DIDN’T announce his retirement from politics (at exactly the moment which suited him best, of course) - selfishly and despicably turning his back on whoever the gullible fools were who voted for him. A pathetic piece of shit right up until the end.




Not to mention adding another unnecessary cost to the community!!!!!

He was a wanker right from the start!!!!!

And Shorten’s no different!!!!! Only time will tell if he’s gonna change now he’s at the helm?????


The leftarded morons who voted for Rudd and/or his party only have themselves to blame for his despicable, selfish actions.


It also comes as no surprise that a Home Insulation Royal Commission is announced the very next day after Rudd resigned from Parliament. Just like how Bob Carr ran away from the Premiership of NSW like a thief in the night, just as the Cross City Tunnel scandal was about to blow up. I wonder if there’s any such thing as a Labor politician who’s NOT a dodgy, lowlife scumbag???






Out of curiosity, how exactly is Tony Abbott “putting out the fires” with Indo?

By refusing to apologise (deserved or not im not getting into that, it wouldn’t hurt though yeh? Publicly state it happened before he was in office, nothing to do with him etc. and apologise)?

deanobruce - 22 November 2013 07:22 PM

Out of curiosity, how exactly is Tony Abbott “putting out the fires” with Indo?

The satirical implication of the above is that, as usual, the Liberal party has to clean up Labor’s mess. In this instance, Abbott is forced to fight a fire that Rudd started.

deanobruce - 22 November 2013 07:22 PM

By refusing to apologise . . . it wouldn’t hurt though yeh?

Nah, it’d hurt.

Diplomatically, an apology is an admission of guilt, and demanding or offering an apology leaves no room to manoeuvre - so it’s just not going to happen. That’s why an apology wasn’t demanded by Australia from Indonesia when their troops slaughtered the five Aussie journalists in Balibo (for example). Also, the concept of ‘saving face’ is a lot more important to Indonesia than it is to Australia, and they’ve got a LOT more to lose.

Personally, I’d be stoked if this all resulted in Australia spending the $648.8 million in Indonesian ‘aid money’ (budgeted for next year) on Australians instead - like it SHOULD be.