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Factory 6 Opening Night


Whats errybody doin friday arvo/night?


Meeting in melburne then flying home.


See you kids in a few hours,

Lets get silly!


Let’s do that.  nutjob  rocker


Deano LOL


WTF happened to Deano!!! I saw the snapchats and Instagram pics. Did not look good at all sick

Hope he is ok!!!

deanobruce - 02 November 2013 12:47 PM

See you kids in a few hours,

Lets get silly!

Haha damn straight u got silly!

Dislocated ankle. U muppet


Does he realise that he’s not 20 anymore?????


how did he do it? i saw the pic on the gram haha


The place looks rad!
Deano, ouuuuuuch!!!! sick


He dropped in on the mini ramp. Didn’t go so well.  ohh


Update from Deano’s mum:

They put it back in last night but he is in surgery now having screws put in. There are no breaks luckily. They were going to put him in a boot for two weeks then see how it was but they decided a quicker recovery was to our screws in. They don’t open him up they just screw through the skin. He should be out by about 3. When I find out how he is I will let you know.


Sounds painful.. And the pic on his fb doesn’t look the best, hope he has a really fast recovery!! (at least he has time,to recover before next season! And didn’t do this in June!


Well that night esclated quickly…

Had a mad time until the incident, long story short im on crutches for 3 months, have to get my cast removed in 2 weeks then a moon boot fitted, not allowed to put pressure on my leg for 3 months. 2 screws in my ankle holding ligaments in place and a fractured fibia. Mining job is down the toilet as is my current building job, cant sleep due to pain and cant barely move. Life huh LOL

From, what i can recall. i have been administered;

-15+ injections of morphine
-about 8-9 double doses of Endone
- About 7 double doses of Oxycontin
-A nice injection of Ketamine (that was an enjoyable hour!)
-A few double doses of Panadeine Forte

And that was just wheni was in the hospital. i have got a treasure trove of pain killers they gave me as i left.Judging by the first 12 hours i have been home im going to need them all…


Can we come around to your house, and throw things at you?????

Promise I won’t aim for the ankle!!!!!