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Cords and Freddy’s USA trip vid


A short vid giving a glimpse into our 2 month trip in an E-150 van across the USA!
Freddy just made it quickly yesterday arvo/evening. Hope you enjoy it!


Thats an awesome edit guys. shaka

Looks like you had the most amazing time.


hahah that was awesome!! makes me want to road trip!


seems like you guys really enjoyed it!! epic!!


Looks like you guys had fun, I like the Ateam van!


That was awesome! perfect song choice. Love how you threw so much footage in there but didnt stick on one thing too much thumbsup

The water fart LOL

Does Freddy have fear of heights? Looked like a few times he was so cautious walking to the edge of the cliff/canyon.

Sick van too shaka I rekon the way you have done it would be the best way to see the country

NBG - 30 October 2013 01:59 PM

Looks like you guys had fun, I like the Ateam van!

Totally! haha, Freddy should have got a Mr T hair cut

K2_TeacherBoy - 30 October 2013 02:19 PM

The water fart LOL

Does Freddy have fear of heights? Looked like a few times he was so cautious walking to the edge of the cliff/canyon.

Sick van too shaka I rekon the way you have done it would be the best way to see the country


The silence after the water fart is me choking on the water in the snorkel and trying not to drown cos I accidently breathed in cos I was laughing so hard. I had no idea he was going to do it, I was just trying to get footage of him diving down.
That natural spring was in the middle of the desert in texas, about 15kms off the interstate. We did a 9hr day of driving and it was the best thing in the middle of the day to break up the drive!

And yes - we’re both pretty much terrified of heights!


Lol your video is blocked in the USA…


Awesome video, cords! You guys must have had such an incredible experience. Good on you for making it happen.

Oh, and sorry for invading your video. flushed



Such an awesome edit guys! shaka

Anyone up for a roadtrip? LOL


Nice! Would love to road trip the US like that one day.


glad you guys enjoyed it!

If you are going to do it, I’d say do it while you are nice and young if you can!

We were loving every single day but also totally exhausted by the end. We can’t seem to help ourselves - we always want to spend the time seeing as much as possible and so we end up rushing around everywhere….I’d say we averaged around 4 to 5 hours driving a day.

Any extra youthful energy you guys might have would have been useful to us is all I’m saying!

And Jez - of all the ads to appear on our video, I’m most stoked to have that one appear! grin


NBG and i have been discussing on and off about a sled road trip around Tahoe etc.

Sooo tempting


DO IT! grin


That was great, looked like you had a blast!

PS: did you get attacked by a squirrel?