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Editing: Matching up tricks with drops in the music

I was wondering if anyone could explain or link to an explanation video about matching up tricks in the video with the drops in the music


What editing program do you use?

I usually start by putting the video in the timeline and also some music I like to play with it.
Start watching it through and begin trimming the clips. I do this so I have some music to listen to while editing.

It often starts to match the music by itself.
You may end up using extra footage (like rolling into a trick) or less footage (like as the trick has begun) - so always leave more footage at the beginning and end of each trick at this stage, you will likely end up having to cut the trick before or after it’s done in later editing.

Unless I’m set on a piece of music I’ll have a couple of tracks on the timeline, but only one track with the sound enabled - I will swap which track to see what is more suitable. Once settled on the music don’t change your mind - this will require starting the edit process again or too much fiddling.

Once it’s trimmed; I start slowing or speeding up parts of the video by small percentages or trimming more precisely -working from the beginning of the video (or music track)- until each part matches the music (chronologically).
^this is important as anything following will be thrown out of sync (DON’T MATCH PARTS FURTHER DOWN THE TIMELINE BEFORE PARTS EARLIER).

My first question is vital, the program you use will determine how much control and how precise you can get it.

More often than not it finds it’s own timing and watching your video during the edit process is important, you will see changes in the music that start to match the video and can do subtle trimming/speed changes to get it matching.

For really precise syncing (normally from 2 video angles or live recorded voice/music from the videos) you will need to use WAVEFORMS; these are where you can see the audio waveform on the timeline; zooming the timeline allows perfect syncing.
Very rarely have I needed to be that precise when matching a trick to music.


Thanks ! i think i understand it now, i use sony movie studio 09’ which i think is a more basic version of sony vegas