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KARMA - Is it real?????

Poll: Do you believe in Karma?????
Total Votes: 14
Yep, sure do!!!!!
Nah, it’s as real as Santa Clause!!!!!
I only believe in Jeremy!!!!!

So, do you believe in Karma?????

What are some examples of Karma that you’ve seen/heard of/experienced?????


Are you saying Santa isn’t real??? :’(

Dolph - 26 October 2013 07:03 PM

Are you saying Santa isn’t real??? :’(

See, that’s Karma for what you guys did in the War!!!!!

Ohhhh, and what ya tried to do to Rocky!!!!!


Karma. She can be a right a bitch or an absolute princess.

I’ve had my fair share of both her sides. Haha!.

But yes she is out there and what goes around comes around. Thats a fact! So be nice and do good things and karma will reward you, but cross her and look out!  nutjob


It actually made me think about it as I was drivin today!!!!!

Because I was in Absolutly no rush as I’d left early for my destination, I got EVERY Green Light in Town!!!!! No Arseholes cut me off, no Mobile Speed Cameras about, no HWY Patrol on the road!!!!!

Now, had I left late?????

Is this a mild form of Karma????? Am I the only one that this happens too?????


Hmmm interesting, however i dont think getting every green light because you left early is a form of good Karma. I reckon thats a big coincidence  

IMO good karma is something that has to be earned. Doing some form of good deed like handing in someones lost wallet/phone or giving pizza’s to the homeless, or helping an old lady cross the street. All obvious things.
cool smile


Yeah, there obviously more important things that give good Karma, but I guess what my observations are that it may be somewhat linked?????

People in a rush because they’re runnin late, can tend to speed, queue jump, run that red light, park where ya not supposed to park, etc etc!!!!!

Is it just a coincidence that ya get all/or at the very least a few, red light, slow right hand laners, or is it a mild form of Karma?????


I believe in Karma, but voted for Jez, just cause I love that little Ice Prancer kiss


Its just hippy bullshit.

The world is unfair, sometimes its more unfair than other times. Thats all.

deanobruce - 26 October 2013 11:45 PM

Its just hippy bullshit.

So what ya sayin is that maybe what K2 did in his pants was just a random event?????

Mizu Kuma - 27 October 2013 12:44 AM
deanobruce - 26 October 2013 11:45 PM

Its just hippy bullshit.

So what ya sayin is that maybe what K2 did in his pants was just a random event?????

The only thing about K2 sharting is that it happens at random times!!


I’m sorta with Deano.

I try and do good things and be a good person as much as possible, but not because I think I then expect or deserve anything good that might come back to me.


Just like Santa; it’s real if you believe in it.


this hippy believes in both santa and karma LOL

beachndogs - 30 October 2013 01:12 AM

this hippy believes in both santa and karma LOL

I thought it was the Indians that believed in Karma Santa?????


I think I’ve seen that in a “movie”.