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“CHASING ICE” captures largest glacier calving ever filmed


A photographer (from Greek φωτός (photos), meaning “light”, and γράφω (graphos), meaning “written”) is a person who takes photographs. A professional photographer uses photography to earn money; amateur photographers take photographs for pleasure and to record an event, emotion, place, or person.

chucky - 23 October 2013 02:07 PM
Mizu Kuma - 23 October 2013 09:09 AM

If ya get a camera of any description, point it in any direction, and take a photo of anything, then technically you are a Photographer!!!!!

Nope. That’s like saying that anyone who does their own tax return is an “accountant”.

So, in that essence, you don’t consider yourself a Snowboarder?????


To assume that every single person who snaps off the occasional selfie or Instagram pic of their latest meal is a “photographer” is absolutely ludicrous.

Of course I consider myself to be “a snowboarder”. However the benj told me he doesn’t consider he doesn’t consider himself to be “a snowboarder” - even though he owns more boards other related snowboarding gear, and has been snowboarding more often, than other people who do consider themselves to be “a snowboarder”. Why might that be?


Dunno, maybe you’ve confused the shit out him, as you’ve just done me?????


I consider myself a Snowboarder, but far from a Professional one!!!!!

Just as I consider myself a Photographer, but far from a Professional one!!!!!

And as a Cook, but not a Chef!!!!!


If Benj was asked where he was going for his next holiday, and he then responded by saying that he was going to Whistler, after which the inquirer then asked if he was a either a Skier or a Snowboarder, I’d think that he would respond by sayin that he was a Snowboarder?????




Why does he say that Chuck?
Due to the fact he doesnt do it recreationally or very often? Its more of a holiday activity for him? Is that the point your making?

chucky - 23 October 2013 03:47 PM


Is that a Professional Sigh?????

K2_TeacherBoy - 23 October 2013 03:51 PM

Why does he say that Chuck?
Due to the fact he doesnt do it recreationally or very often? Its more of a holiday activity for him? Is that the point your making?

In the last three SoHe seasons the benj got in over 50 days riding, which is probably more than a lot of people who do call themselves “a snowboarder”. He owns heaps of awesome snowboard gear. He’s easily an ‘intermediate’ rider, loves our snowboarding trips together and really looks forward to them. But does he dream of snowboarding and wake up still thinking about it, read about it in magazines and/or enjoy watching videos? Nope.

Although he’s enjoyed the occasional slash in small untracked pockets of snow, he’s never ridden top to bottom in deep fresh pow. It will happen eventually, and I live in hope that the revelation will finally help him to ‘get it’ and make him feel like “a snowboarder”.

Personally, I majored in photography for my uni degree and have had plenty of images I’ve shot published in magazines/newspapers (starting way back in 1984 - shots of an Alva skateboard team demo published in Tracks magazine), but I don’t really consider myself “a photographer”.

I’ve written numerous magazine articles, reviews and travel features, but I don’t consider myself “a writer”.

I’ve been lead singer and rhythm guitarist in a few bands and at my ‘peak’, performed guest spots on vocals and harmonica to crowds numbering in the thousands, but I don’t consider myself “a musician”.

I used to race mountain bikes and was obsessed with it for years, but even though I still own a couple of bikes worth more than some people’s cars, I no longer consider myself “a mountain biker”.

I’ve skateboarded since the mid seventies and was really into it in the mid to late eighties (the ‘Animal Chin’ era), but it’s been many years since I’ve considered myself to be “a skateboarder”.

I’d been obsessed with snowboarding since the late seventies when I first saw Snurfer footage on TV and enviously coveted my neighbour’s 1977 Hammarplast SkiBoard (the Swedish equivalent of a Snurfer), standing on it every chance I got and imagining I was riding it on snow - but I didn’t get the chance to actually try it for myself until the nineties, and I was instantly hooked when I finally did. Though even then, I didn’t consider myself “a snowboarder” until I’d paid my dues.



Professional would be the defining word!

When looking at any photo and someone asks “who was the photographer?” the answer is: whomever snapped the photo.
“Who was the writer?”; whomever put pen to paper (or equivalent).
“who designed those graphics?”....
“who is the snowboarder?” ...

I have no degree but I am a professional photographer when performing that task.

I’ve worked as a Sous Chef: that was my job title whether or not I had the training.
In that role I cooked. My occupation was CHEF, what I did was COOK. I’ve also been employed as a cook.
“Cook” is both an occupation and a task. Chef is purely an occupation. One cannot be a chef at home.

“Photographer” describes both a task and an occupation.
chucky is obviously talking about the term as an occupation; opposed to Mizu who is talking about it as a task.
Benj is going snowboarding but not in an occupational role.
When chucky writes; he is the writer.

To define the difference between occupation and task the addition of “pro” should be added, then we will know if the task is also the occupation.


It may be that James Balog wants to give his equipment more credit than himself by saying he isn’t a photographer because the cameras sat in a box and snapped away by themselves.

But the truth of the matter is he was commissioned to get the photos and was paid for their publication.

Azz - 24 October 2013 06:22 AM

I’ve heard all of them plus a few more I could add.

The most offensive and often asked;
- Now can you take a picture with my camera?

chucky - 24 October 2013 01:24 AM

I didn’t consider myself “a snowboarder” until I’d paid my dues.

And that defining moment was?????

Just so the rest of here know when we can elevate our own status from nobodies, and release our tortured souls from purgatory!!!!!


Thanks Chucky, I thought thats what you were getting at but wanted to hear your spin on it thumbsup

LOL Mizu