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Ashes to Ashes,  the future of Alpine ash.


Thanks, that was a good informative read


Yeah, interesting!!!!!

I wonder if the way that we extinguish the fires of today?????

For example, the 1939 Black Friday fires took out 2,000,000 hectares in one foul swoop!!!!! This probably left very little areas that had any fuel to allow a re-burn of the Ash?????

Whereas these days, we extinguish fires a lot more efficiently than we did 70 years ago, and therefore inadvertently leave “pockets” of fuel, and in turn allows for a re-burn of the adjacent newly rejuvenated forest!!!!!



Well I’ve had an eventful/stressful last few days. My parents live in Blaxland and a lot of my friends live in that area and the Springwood/Winmalee area.

Thursday whilst I was at work I received a TXT message bushfire warning of immediate danger which read “take shelter while fire approaches.” Obviously I freaked out, tried to get onto my parents, couldn’t get onto them and eventually was able to make contact via facebook.

My parents could see the flames from our verandah. The evacuated in time and luckily the fire didn’t quite make it to our place.

My room-mates street was worse off. They lost 90% of the houses on that street and the only reason they didn’t lose theirs was because 1. their step dad stayed back to defend it (I do not recommend this), 2. they have a fish pond and rocky ledge configuration in the back that probably helped and 3. sheer luck.

My roomie went back to her street and she said it was like nothing she had ever seen, you desensitize to a certain level when you see it on the TV but when you see it in real life and it’s the street you grew up on the devastation of it all really hits home. Houses you used to play in now a smouldering heap, spot fires popping up here and there and people weeping on the street.

The thing that has amazed me about these fires is the sheer generosity and community spirit most people have shown (minus some low-life’s who are looting), the amazing efforts of the RFS and all who have been assisting them and also the role that social media has played in it all, I’m part of a community group on facebook and we are all donating stuff to help out. Everyone has been so generous!

I just hope that these fires end soon. :(

spaz - 18 October 2013 12:09 PM

They should make examples of the officials that created the red tape that prevents the rfs from hazard reduction!



Very good chucky.

The 90% figure I stated earlier I made up, thanks for finding the 50% figure Mizu.


Adam Bandt, December 2010:
“Yeah, look I think that, using this opportunity to say the Prime Minister has blood on her hands, I think that that’s just outrageous, and I saw a similar thing happen here in response to the bushfires that we had, there were people who would jump in and say it was all the fault of not having enough burning off and so on. I mean, I think there’s a time and place for these debates, and I don’t think that trying to turn a tragedy so quickly into some kind of perceived political advantage is how we want to be characterised as a nation, and I think those comments are outrageous.”

Adam Bandt, October 2013:
“Why Tony Abbott’s plan means more bushfires for Australia & more pics like this of Sydney,” (tweeted with an image of the red sky over Sydney).

The hypocrisy of the left is only exceeded by their ignorance.


And bloody awesome to see our new PM out fightin fires!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 21 October 2013 09:57 PM

And bloody awesome to see our new PM out fightin fires!!!!!

Yep. It’s great to have the grown-ups back in charge of our country, and a true blue Aussie man of the people in the big chair for once.


T’was interesting yesterday listening to a political commentator (can’t remember which one) discussing Tony out fighting fires. He commended his actions, but then said he was extremely stupid. If something was to happen to him, then Australia could be faced with not having the Prime Minister that the people elected very recently not in office.

Was not the take I was expecting about this at all.


another interesting read, if anyone is interested.
Fire History in the Australian Alps, prehistory to 2003
wonder what would change now?



Maybe he shouldn’t be aloud to ride his bike on the road because it’s dangerous.. rolleyes

Azz - 22 October 2013 06:42 AM

T’was interesting yesterday listening to a political commentator (can’t remember which one) discussing Tony out fighting fires. He commended his actions, but then said he was extremely stupid. If something was to happen to him, then Australia could be faced with not having the Prime Minister that the people elected very recently not in office.

Was not the take I was expecting about this at all.

Apparently he was doing Hazard Reduction!!!!!

He was probably advised not to be on the front line for the reasons you stated?????

Whatever way ya look at it, it shows a fresh change in Leadership!!!!! Someone that’s obviously willing to roll their sleeves up when things get shitty!!!!!


nothing on this guy
Coolest Pollie ever. On it!

Tambo - 22 October 2013 07:26 AM

nothing on this guy
Coolest Pollie ever. On it!

Hahahaa, that’s Gold!!!!! LOL