The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


dunno I’m not answering the question I just have to give kudos to whoever mentioned BMX Bandits cos that was the movie of my childhood & I can pretty much recite the whole thing while watching it. Sooooo good. The day I got to go to Manly slides (I was in uni) for the first time I was frothing!


“Dont be a creep all your life”!!!! - Classic Nicole Kidman…

Okies I wil rephrase my previous question…

Guys - hottest chick on TV right now?

Girls - hottest guy on TV right now?


Oprah, I’d do things to her that would make Russel Brand blush.

Kurt Cobain or Dave Grohl?


kurt cobain…

white shoes or black??


White shoes

Your most embarrissing moment involving nudity?


well i was asleep in my bed with my girlfriend and my sister in-law knock on the door, so my girlfriend had a quick look to see if i was all covered up and she thought i was, then she told her to come in and when she did she quickly turned around and said ohhhhhhhh, then my girlfriend sat up and had a proper look and seen my bare bum was hanging out of the blankets and realised that you could see the back shot of a life time hahahah

blue bottle sting or jellyfish sting??


Jelly fish, it’s not that bad - I jumped off the boat into a swarm of them off the Barrier Reef. Looked pretty rad for the rest of the day where their tentacles had wrapped around my arms and chest!

Magic Johnson or Larry Bird?


gunna go with magic Johnson cause i don’t know who the hell Larry Bird is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

try to beat a bear or a tiger?????


tiger thanks….BTW Larry Bird was an NBA player in the 80’s for the Boston Celtics - a real sharpshooter….

Who’s going to win the AFL, NRL this year?


i couldn’t care less, to me football is pretty gay cool smirk

whats you favorite beach?


for me Kiama cause i grew up surfing it!!

Saturday morning or Sunday morning??


I like to sleep in for both! grin

who’s worse…..real estate agents or used car salesmen?


car salesmen…....

wet the bed on a first date and try and blame it on the dog or dont go with her and and get nuthin???????


wet the bed over not getting anything

put the trash while its raining or fall down the stairs while every1 is watching


take the rubbish out for sure….

ute or sedan??