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^^^ haha i am not a windows person i haven’t used windows in last 10 years at least…

my datacenter consist of

debian, ubuntu mints centos mac qnaps scasi vms and so on.

windows whats that not knocking it or anything just don’t like it and dont use it each to they own.


Nice little data centre you’ve got there!

Linux actually plays a big role in the htpc these days. Bootable images are a godsend and it can’t be beaten for stability and low power requirements. Then it acts as the base of android enabling simple usb based devices.

Unfortunately back in the day it lagged behind in media playback, GUI, remote control and GPU/Audio drivers often meaning things like DXVA and bit streaming wouldn’t even work.

Fortunately this is all taking a turn for the better!

drc13 - 10 October 2013 11:05 AM

Nice little data centre you’ve got there!

Unfortunately back in the day it lagged behind in media playback, GUI, remote control and GPU/Audio drivers often meaning things like DXVA and bit streaming wouldn’t even work.

this is where kernel recompile came in play to make it work smile

lanox - 10 October 2013 11:12 AM
drc13 - 10 October 2013 11:05 AM

Nice little data centre you’ve got there!

Unfortunately back in the day it lagged behind in media playback, GUI, remote control and GPU/Audio drivers often meaning things like DXVA and bit streaming wouldn’t even work.

this is where kernel recompile came in play to make it work smile

Haha now we’re totally nerding out! My Linux knowledge was and still isn’t strong enough to manage that. Out of interest would this have helped if no ATI or Nvidia drivers existed at the time? Because to my level of knowledge it was accessing proprietary bits of the chipset which needed in house code.

My htpc runs really well atm but you’ve got me interested and should I ever need a rebuild I’d much rather consider going down something like a Ubuntu route than the monstrosity that is win8

drc13 - 10 October 2013 11:18 AM
lanox - 10 October 2013 11:12 AM
drc13 - 10 October 2013 11:05 AM

Nice little data centre you’ve got there!

Unfortunately back in the day it lagged behind in media playback, GUI, remote control and GPU/Audio drivers often meaning things like DXVA and bit streaming wouldn’t even work.

this is where kernel recompile came in play to make it work smile

Haha now we’re totally nerding out! My Linux knowledge was and still isn’t strong enough to manage that. Out of interest would this have helped if no ATI or Nvidia drivers existed at the time? Because to my level of knowledge it was accessing proprietary bits of the chipset which needed in house code.

My htpc runs really well atm but you’ve got me interested and should I ever need a rebuild I’d much rather consider going down something like a Ubuntu route than the monstrosity that is win8

Yes back in the days soon as you installed linux you would need to recompile the kernel and use the default driver that came with it to build on it and use it for ur video card, so in nut shell you spend good few hours tinkering with graphic card to get it to work.

In linux everything and anything is possible you just need to investigate and learn code/program/hack the shit out of it and hope for the best.

For media center use something like
Mythbuntu which is specifically build for mythtv i believe ( haven’t used it)..
damn small linux

that is just some of them i have used/tested.

Ubuntu alone is to clunky and 2 much shit that is not needed gets installed but yes you should defiantly consider going linux way also if you do decide and need assistance let me know but i am quiet sure you are more then capable to do it your self.




Nice one mate. Always good to learn about other options that are out there!