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Pretty close to lockin in one of these babies!!!!!


Ever since I first went to Japan, I’ve wanted one of these!!!!! A bit of research/ummin&arrin;/intertnet browsing, and I’m ready to go with this based on nothin but a “Gut Feeling”!!!!! (Just hope it wasn’t that curry had last night)

* And yes Dave, it isn’t an Apple!!!!! (It’s a Samsung) Just hope that the User Interface doesn’t leave me behind in the shit!!!!! LOL


WTF is it? It looks like an epilator (hair removal thing)


OH man, everytime i get back from japan i trawl the nets looking for one.
I was a clean anus away from pressing buy it now on an ebay one a few months back, and now youve just sparked my interest again. Care to link to what one your looking at and price my fellow washed bung hole buddy?


What a shit thread

trentradpants - 09 October 2013 03:59 PM

OH man, everytime i get back from japan i trawl the nets looking for one.
I was a clean anus away from pressing buy it now on an ebay one a few months back, and now youve just sparked my interest again. Care to link to what one your looking at and price my fellow washed bung hole buddy?

Here’s one (eBay Link, but I’m sure that the Boardworld Store, or Local Board Stores wont be stocking them), plus there’s another Seller that has got one on Best Offer!!!!!

I’ve already checked and they reckon that this model is good to go on Aussie Power Supply!!!!!


There’s also a few Aussie Dealers!!!!! (Hnce why I’m still undecided which way to go yet)

This one was in the Jetstar Magazine when I went to NZ, and it sparked my interest once again!!!!! LOL

K2_TeacherBoy - 09 October 2013 04:09 PM

What a shit thread

Press a button and Wash it all away then?????


This is the one that I really want, but it’s ~ $1600 from an Aussie store!!!!! It has the Auto Open/Close goin on!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 03:50 PM

* And yes Dave, it isn’t an Apple!!!!! (It’s a Samsung) Just hope that the User Interface doesn’t leave me behind in the shit!!!!! LOL

I’m not going to bite!  michelle

They could do with a bit of Jony Ives design though most of the ones I’ve come across have been very ugly and beige.

It wouldn’t be the craziest purchase in the world if I wasn’t renting it would be on my shopping list. I’m a bit of a clean freak and have to admit to looking at them in the stores on my recent trip (they were duty free in Akihabara) as using anything since feels kind of dirty!


I checked out the Toto ones, and not only are they dear as, they aren’t any good on our Power Supply!!!!! What other Brands did they stock?????

I’ve been lookin for reviews on the Samsung one at the top, but can’t find any!!!!!

The Coway ones have heaps of good feedback, but they are dearer!!!!!

I’ve also checked out Royalet, and actual Aussie company that sell them through Reece and Online!!!!!

And ya right about feelin “dirty” once ya get home!!!!! LOL

I had a mate, and his Grandfather had one, and he used to go Home for a dump as he just couldn’t deal with walkin around with the aftermath in his pants at work!!!!! (He had his own business!!!!! Funeral Director!!!!!) I laughed the first time I heard the story, but now I am a believer!!!!!


Unfortunately I didn’t look close enough (the friend I was travelling with had done a good job of filling our suitcases) to remember what type they were I do know the features varied (I decided I could go without the heated seat but the exhaust fan/deoderiser was tempting and the washer with adjustable pressure was essential)

Haha that story of the grandfather is a classic. I could see myself doing that I’m convinced toilet paper is a better “dryer” than “cleaner”

Haven’t looked myself yet but have you checked out yet? It’s kind of Japan’s Amazon.


The Samsung one that I linked above has a Warm Air Dryer so ya don’t even need paper!!!!!

We had one of them in the apartment the first time I ever went to Niseko!!!!! It also had the tap at the top of the Cistern, but I wasn’t keen on washin my hands in Cold Pre-Toilet Water!!!!! 

The Boys (Dolph, Warren, fatima) had one that had an Auto Seat Raise Lower when ya walked into the Toilet!!!!! It was the Bomb!!!!! LOL


Do you think they would do a group deal???

You, me, Rad Man & I am sure Deano will be in on this!!!

There are adds in the Jetstar mag for an aussie mob selling those beauties.


Just had a quick look at that site that ya linked and they all run 100V!!!!!

They might run on Multi, but without seein the Tag, or sendin them an email, it wont be worth the risk of just buyin one online?????

They’re cheap though, the Panasonic one compared to Toto ones that I was sussin out!!!!!

I’m gonna go and check out the Sake Section now!!!!!


Have they got portable ones for a sharter like me?

Azz - 09 October 2013 04:45 PM

Do you think they would do a group deal???

You, me, Rad Man & I am sure Deano will be in on this!!!

There are adds in the Jetstar mag for an aussie mob selling those beauties.

Yeah, I linked them somewhere here!!!!!

The Bidet Shop >

Royalet Australia > Reece Stock these ones!!!!!

The equivalent Aussie ones are 3 times the price in some models, but ya also got the “Back Up”, for want of a better word, if ya go local!!!!!

I’d be keen in a Bulk Order of some type, and see if we can get a deal?????

Suss it all out and get back to me!!!!!

* Just make sure that ya check out the measurements of ya Bowl, as some mods don’t/wont fit all!!!!!

K2_TeacherBoy - 09 October 2013 04:48 PM

Have they got portable ones for a sharter like me?