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trentradpants รท 0


Yeah, but what’s the value of a trentradpants?????

K2_TeacherBoy - 09 October 2013 03:33 PM

Mate….i am Something Else!  cool


Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 03:12 PM

Yes you did, just with too much metadata though!!!!!

For the sake of a healthy ongoing relationship, I’m happy to accept that…  shaka

drc13 - 09 October 2013 04:22 PM
Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 03:12 PM

Yes you did, just with too much metadata though!!!!!

For the sake of a healthy ongoing relationship, I’m happy to accept that…  shaka



You guys talk way too much shit tongue wink

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 03:17 PM

And pretty positive that I’ve never done this?????  wink

FLUX > Everything Else

Apple > Everything Else

DC > Everything Else

Subaru > Everything Else

Niseko > Everything Else

You left off GoPoo, oops ‘Pro’.


No need to add that!!!!!

Everybody knows that GoPro > Everything Else!!!!!

drc13 - 09 October 2013 10:20 AM

Essentially my setup consists of a HTPC, which uses Windows Media Centre for livetv/timeshifting/scheduling recordings and streaming tv to my other portable devices. A combination of SABNZBD, SickBeard, Couchpotato and Headphones to automatically obtain my media (tv/movies/music) which is then automatically renamed/sorted/metadata/trailers downloaded.

You got that running in VMs on the same box or different machines?  Nice setup.  I’m yet to investigate Usenet for this kind of thing.

Mizu Kuma - 10 October 2013 09:34 AM

No need to add that!!!!!

Everybody knows that GoPro > Everything Else!!!!!

Mizu = Everybody

Mudhoney - 10 October 2013 09:37 AM
drc13 - 09 October 2013 10:20 AM

Essentially my setup consists of a HTPC, which uses Windows Media Centre for livetv/timeshifting/scheduling recordings and streaming tv to my other portable devices. A combination of SABNZBD, SickBeard, Couchpotato and Headphones to automatically obtain my media (tv/movies/music) which is then automatically renamed/sorted/metadata/trailers downloaded.

You got that running in VMs on the same box or different machines?  Nice setup.  I’m yet to investigate Usenet for this kind of thing.

Thanks mate, It takes a bit to setup but it’s basically self managed after that point. No didn’t have to resort to VM’s or separate machines. It’s just a fairly simple desktop build in a HTPC case that sits in my entertainment cabinet.

Runs on a base of Win7 (for MCE PVR capabilities more than anything) installed on a SSD (all apps on SSD, file storage, timeshift buffer etc on a HDD), Running XBMC 12.2 as a app and all of the usenet stuff runs as system services in the background. One day I might put up a video of it in action. It was nice coming home from holidays to find all the latest and greatest things sitting in the media library ready to launch straight into.

Usenet has been a bit of a shit fight in the past year due to DMCA, It’s still superior to other methods but you need to have the right server (something dutch is a good start) and RSS feeds (to feed sickbeard etc) let me know if you decide to head down this road.


Yeah that’s a great set-up, Dave.  I’m currently just using an old laptop running Windoze and with an external USB TV tuner to get PVR functionality. I had a play with a XBMC TV add-on but found it pretty awful (XBMC itself looks good, though).  I might look to replicate your set-up with the Usenet stuff.  Do you play the WMC recorded in WMC or in XBMC?

Mudhoney - 10 October 2013 10:27 AM

Yeah that’s a great set-up, Dave.  I’m currently just using an old laptop running Windoze and with an external USB TV tuner to get PVR functionality. I had a play with a XBMC TV add-on but found it pretty awful (XBMC itself looks good, though).  I might look to replicate your set-up with the Usenet stuff.  Do you play the WMC recorded in WMC or in XBMC?

Just added some usenet info at the end of my last post before I saw this one. Definitely worth looking into though you’d get your head around it in no time. Just buy a month of server access to see if you like it. Convenience wise I don’t know if I would cope going back to manually searching for stuff and having to remember release dates. With this you set it up (in sickbeards case add a show and a desired quality 1080p web-dl is my preference and it does the rest, in couchpotato just add movies to the watchlist as you hear about them or you can even have it auto add based on imdb scores etc)

Yeah I’ve stayed clear of the XBMC TV side of things as it does seem kind of patchy relying on tv servers etc. If you have compatible hardware it might be worth giving the linux bootable usb version a shot it’s generally very solid and won’t interfere with any of your current setup.

I could play it back in either but generally playback in WMC, in the early days XBMC didn’t handle interlaced material particularly well. Since then GPU’s DXVA functions handle most of it and XBMC has come a long way but I actually find WMC’s interface pretty good for PVR functions (controlled by my logitech harmony one remote)



cant be bothered getting in to details but check out mythtv by far best media center that i know of.. complicated to set up but once you have it it does everything you need.

some screenshots


lanox - 10 October 2013 10:45 AM

cant be bothered getting in to details but check out mythtv by far best media center that i know of.. complicated to set up but once you have it it does everything you need.
some screenshots

Yeah I’ve used MythTV in the past. Definitely a very solid PVR setup but for overall use ability I gave the nod to MCE+XBMC combo but good recommendation especially if you want to run a linux based htpc!

MediaPortal is another featured PVR. Got a little bloaty at one stage but had a shitload of customisation when it came to codecs/decoding.

This is one of the strong points of HTPC’s flexibility/customisation is only a software package away.