The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive



Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 12:22 PM

I didn’t need you to tell me that I was missin somethin!!!!!

I asked if someone would tell me what I was missin!!!!! That’s why I used the question marks!!!!!

I also asked what others were usin, and you said the setup that you used was better than anythin!!!!!

Hence why I asked what it does that an Apple TV doesn’t, or for that matter a WD TV?????

I don’t know if it’s even worth getting into or whether you are just trying to spark up a flame war. To be honest it’s almost like comparing apples with oranges.

There’s multiple things in that list that the AppleTV can’t do that a HTPC can do (start with all the PVR capabilities i.e timeshift/recording stuff at one point I had a quad tuner in mine but have toned it down to a dual) For all the other stuff like metadata, user interface, streaming options you can just add “It does it better” to the end of each of them. Flexibility, I can stream from any source not just predefined ones in your menu. As new formats/sources are released my software updates to support it. You don’t need to convert or stream anything from another more powerful device (including 3D) before watching it. Then you’ve got the higher quality video/audio output. I didn’t even get into other more technical stuff like true bitstreaming capabilities. It also has the advantage of not having another device locked into a certain ecosystem.

As for the WDTV it’s a great device for streaming media via LAN or USB but once again it can’t compete with the sheer horsepower and versatility of a HTPC even with modified 3rd party firmware which add some basic metadata functions to it. The appleTV and WDTV do what they are designed to do well and if you like to live your life by the KISS principal than that may be all you ever need. But the simple fact is there are much more capable devices out there just with the very big downside of being more complicated to initially setup (which I had acknowledged earlier)


No, I’m not tryin to spark a war, I just don’t really appreciate bein “QFT” that I’m “Missing Something”!!!!!

I’d just like to think when a question is asked, a KISS answer is all that’s needed?????

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 01:45 PM

No, I’m not tryin to spark a war, I just don’t really appreciate bein “QFT” that I’m “Missing Something”!!!!!

And I didn’t appreciate typing up a long detailed post listing a bunch of fairly obvious differences/advantages then being asked what was different!!

I wish a $100 hockey puck could do as much or more. If it did I’d have no hesitations in scrapping my setup and downsizing. I’m not anti apple (as soon as they start producing best in class products again I’ll be buying them) and as I said for a KISS purpose it’s definitely a contender (I probably wouldn’t even put a HTPC in the ring) but for me I like to have the best and after many years of testing different devices there’s still a fairly large gap between all of them.

I’d just like to think when a question is asked, a KISS answer is all that’s needed?????

I’m pretty sure I provided a KISS answer in the 2nd post in this thread… “HTPC + XBMC > Everything else”

It was then as the discussion built that I thought I would get a little more in depth and add some further information.


drc13 - 09 October 2013 01:50 PM

I thought I would get a little more in depth and add some further information.

By telling me that I’m Simple?????

I should remember my place in the brilliant world of tech next time, oh master!!!!!

K2_TeacherBoy - 09 October 2013 01:59 PM

Haha he frustrates me but I still like the old bloke!

If we are going to get our biff on I expect him to drop down to a Welterweight first!

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 02:02 PM
drc13 - 09 October 2013 01:50 PM

I thought I would get a little more in depth and add some further information.

By telling me that I’m Simple?????

I should remember my place in the brilliant world of tech next time!!!!!

Maybe it’s me that’s simple and has trouble distinguishing when you are asking a rhetorical question on the internet next time?

The fact was you were missing something (the big wall of text I’d written just above it with things that the ATV obviously couldn’t do) I can’t see what the big issue is!

To think there’s some hierarchy for the “world of tech” on a board sports forum is pointless. Home Theatres/Media Playback just happens to be a hobby for me and IT is my job (I personally find computers a choir) I’ve often come to you for advice is segments where you have much more knowledge than me i.e surfing and believe I’ve always been receptive to your advice.

I just think sometimes you get blinded/blinkered by your brand loyalty which especially in the world of tech where things are constantly evolving and changing can leave you behind.

drc13 - 09 October 2013 02:02 PM
K2_TeacherBoy - 09 October 2013 01:59 PM

Haha he frustrates me but I still like the old bloke!

If we are going to get our biff on I expect him to drop down to a Welterweight first!

You’ll learn to have more patience as you get older!!!!!

Like when Rookies put grit in a ding repair, you just take a deep breath, and in a nice way you help them correct where they went wrong!!!!!

No need for animosity!!!!! But if there is, we don’t get on the scales first where I come from!!!!!

drc13 - 09 October 2013 02:06 PM
Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 02:02 PM
drc13 - 09 October 2013 01:50 PM

I thought I would get a little more in depth and add some further information.

By telling me that I’m Simple?????

I should remember my place in the brilliant world of tech next time!!!!!

Maybe it’s me that’s simple and has trouble distinguishing when you are asking a rhetorical question on the internet next time?

The fact was you were missing something (the big wall of text I’d written just above it with things that the ATV obviously couldn’t do) I can’t see what the big issue is!

To think there’s some hierarchy for the “world of tech” on a board sports forum is pointless. Home Theatres/Media Playback just happens to be a hobby for me and IT is my job (I personally find computers a choir) I’ve often come to you for advice is segments where you have much more knowledge than me i.e surfing and believe I’ve always been receptive to your advice.

I just think sometimes you get blinded/blinkered by your brand loyalty which especially in the world of tech where things are constantly evolving and changing can leave you behind.

I should’ve known that you’d turn it into a Brand thing!!!!!

I don’t have any hatred for things other than Apple, but you sure do have a hatred for things Apple, and have even stated so on many occasions here!!!!!

If I had posted a thread about how I like my Subaru, I’m guessin the only arguments I’d be havin would be with Mitsubishi owners?????

They’d probably tell me that I’m limiting my future growth by driving one?????

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 02:13 PM

I should’ve known that you’d turn it into a Brand thing!!!!!

I don’t have any hatred for things other than Apple, but you sure do have a hatred for things Apple, and have even stated so!!!!!

If I had posted a thread about how I like my Subaru, I’m guessin the only arguments I’d be havin would be with Mitsubishi owners?????

They’d probably tell me that I’m limiting my future growth by driving one?????

I have a hatred for apple products by stating that I’m keen to buy one of their products as soon as I believe they are class leading again???  More evidence of hatred by stating that the ATV is probably a much better choice for KISS users than a htpc? In the same thread I praised iTunes for saving the music industry and pegging my hopes on Apple doing the same for the video side of things!

I research and make my choices independently of brands I choose what my research leads me to believe is the best product at the time not being hamstrung by brand loyalty. I’ve stated this on these very forums many a time. It’s hard not to turn it into a brand thing with you as you are so passionate and loyal (for better or worse) whether it’s apple, subaru, flux, yes, dc etc. It’s almost as if you want us “IT NERDS” as you’ve referred to the likes of TJ and I in the past to bite so you can defend them to the last dying breath.

The way I see it is you want to believe that your new ATV is the best and are ignoring the obvious facts I’m bringing up that go against that.

Anyway I’m tiring of this. I’ve put the facts forward, you asked for what others are using I answered that and then more.



Yes you did, just with too much metadata though!!!!!


And pretty positive that I’ve never done this?????  wink

FLUX > Everything Else

Apple > Everything Else

DC > Everything Else

Subaru > Everything Else

Niseko > Everything Else


Everything Else > Mizu LOL


Mizu > K2


Mate….i am Everything Else!  cool